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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 梦想天空 / 【近期,我依旧在草拟今年的旅行计划】我做了几个旅行计划,最终与家人讨论完毕之后,会做出决定开始实施。其中的一个计划是去Bhutan。看似简单,交钱就行,其实还是蛮复杂的。需要很多细节。加拿大公民去不丹还需要签证。十四天40加币。
    Bhutan visa can be process by a travel/tour agent through the Tourism Authority of Bhutan. After the visa has been processed you will be sent a visa number which automatically forwarded to all Bhutan's National Air Carrier: Druk Air). Without a visa number, you may be denied boarding Druk Air's planes. The visa fee $40 CAD for 14 days. You can apply for a visa extension for an additional fee.
    • 如果说,现如今还有一个国家最安全,那么铁定就是Bhutan了。我看了很多图片,非常仙境,好像真是到了仙人的居所了。再汇报。晚安+保重。
      • 又脏又破,不如去西藏。。。不过是15年前的经历,也许现在改进了
        • 花花同学,你15年前就去过Bhutan?
          • 那段时间,LD总是很苦命的被派到南亚公干,所以和他周边都跑了跑
            • 太羡慕了,居然你家同学去了Bhutan了。有照片留下来了吗?可以分享吗?
    • 到处都是骗子
      • 打印出来了。非常心惊胆战,啥都不怕,就怕那个天然洗手间。怎么办呀?应该是事实吧?我再找有没有西人的同样的评论,等着。找到了。会分享,还原一个真实的Bhutan。如果洗手间真那样,我没胆儿去了。没办法。
        • Pmed
          • 谢谢,刚看到。非常感谢。你可以公开分享一下吗?我估计没多少ROLIA同学真去过。或者你回答一个问题:到底那里的洗手间是不是天然的?
    • 不带这么显摆D
      • 天,我每年就三到四个星期假期,一年一次呢。别说你没有哈,我不信。你今年去了哪儿了?本来打算去荷兰,比利时与丹麦。最后家长担心,否决了。
        • 还真没。给周扒皮剥的比老夜还惨。想去你那天堂边上的泥巴儿好久了,不知赶不赶的上肉联登珠峰(大本营)排名榜。
          • loooooooool,ROLIA真会有登珠峰行动?我报名,笑倒了。传奇同学会装穷,你比他还会装。你冠军,他只能是亚军了、
    • 回国看看,国内很多风景
      • 还没最后决定,很可能是东亚,但到底是东亚哪里?目前还在草拟,会有结果的。
        • 不用找了, 自家院子里就可以了
          • :) 或者到万锦,或者到列治文山,。。。。非常东亚,很多东亚同学,嘻嘻。
    • 【非常感谢夏天同学与花花同学】我做了一下功课,在网上找到了一个西人游客去了Bhutan之后的分享,题目叫” Read this before going to Bhutan! “。 他有一些负面的看法,不少人回帖与之交流,有同意的,有不同意的,似乎是一个大讨论了都。看连接。
      • 我尽量翻译了一些大意:不丹没有旅游竞争,政府掌控一切,包揽到底。好像没有什么人真正在工作。吃的东西基本都是自助餐形式,而且选择面非常少,就只几种不那么新鲜的微微热的菜肴供你选择。总之,服务质量比较差。
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛One huge problem is the setup of the entire tourist industry ; tourist agencies book your hotels and restaurants so that there is no true consumer competition between establishments and the places most likely to profit are either those that either offer the guides best service or are the cheapest. Although there is no lack of staff in restaurants, hotels and museums, there are often few people actually working. One of many examples of this is the widespread habit of all meals being buffet based. If you are paying $250 per day and are clearly paying enough staff, I think it is reasonable to expect more than this, especially as there are usually only 5 dishes anyway so for a table of people it is really not a lot of hassle to serve warm fresh dishes instead of luck warm self service. There were many more examples of poor service for example; our three week trip started at the airport in Paro with a luke-warm welcome from our guide who we discovered did not even know all of our names! In any other place in the world if you are spending $15000+ for a private guided tour for a group of 4更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 不丹这种地方还是看中文的攻略吧。。穷游和蚂蜂窝就行了
        • 夏天同学给了中文的,我找了西人的,对比一下,得到全面的认知,从东西方文化的角度。
          • 这两。。
            • 谢,有时间会看。
      • 在一些热门的不丹景点比如博物馆等,一群不丹职员站在那里,似乎无所事事,彼此没有明确的分工,不知道在干啥,好像根本没有安心工作,没有工作热情,显得三心二意。不丹人民是非常骄傲的民族,因此可以完善地健全地保护自己的历史遗迹。不过,他们太骄傲了,

        Some of my favourite scenes were a bunch of Bhutanese standing around in a museum with no clear role and one westerner busily working on the electrics. Clearly there was little interest to work or to learn in this scene. This is an attitude which is freely admitted by some Bhutanese we meet. Bhutanese are extremely proud people, although this characteristic is one great factor that has allowed them to preserve much of their cultural heritage it is also a huge barrier for development and prosperity of the country. Many of the physical labour jobs are not done by Bhutanese as people there look down on these vocations. For example, all of the road works and much of the building construction, electrics and plumbing is done by Indian labourers. Bhutanese people lack skilled work forces to do these jobs yet there is little interest to acquire these skills as they are looked down upon by Bhutanese.
        • 用另一种说法就是懒
          • 作者也说,不丹人太骄傲了。好像看不起做工。所以不丹很缺乏有技能的工作人员,因为他们根本不愿意学,觉得没必要学,总之,工作对他们来说是不需要的,不必要的。他们太骄傲了。
      • 不丹和尚都要吃肉的,但因为不丹是一个虔诚的佛教国家,所以,他们不杀生。那么他们所吃的肉都是来自印度。牲口在印度被杀死,然后肉被运到不丹消费。因为不丹交通很不发达,肉的运输会有波折,这可能让抵达不丹的肉不新鲜,可能影响美食的质素。。。。
        I would argue there is something foul in a country where even the monks eat meat and yet no animals are butchered due to Buddhist beliefs. All meat you will be served will be imported from India, over terrible roads and without consistent cooling– I am neither a vegetarian or Buddhist or an animal rights fanatic but I can just imagine with disgust the condition where these animals are farmed and thus this setup is disturbing and hypocritical for numerous reasons.
        • 很震惊,什么样的佛教是要连和尚也要吃肉的?哪个派别的?有可以吃肉的和尚的佛教?和中国的和尚不同的。
          • 喇嘛教-黄教的和尚都可以吃肉
      • 此外,虽然旅游业与游客是不丹非常重要的经济来源,但是,比其他的亚洲国家,不丹群众对外来游客也不那么感兴趣与敞开心扉。 旅行期间,你的导游会一步不离地跟着你,所以,你很少有机会可以真正接触到当地的群众,真正意义上地接触到。
        Furthermore, people are a lot less interested/open to foreigners compared to other Asian countries, which is ridiculous when considering how important tourists are for this country. In reality you can do very little without your guide and their constant presence may limit contact with other locals. I found that the best experiences where the few times we managed to slip away from out guide and were invited to a local festival.
      • 你也别指望可以在不丹买到好质量的纪念品。那里的纪念品基本都是价高质低的。质量好一些的纪念品基本都来自印度,尼泊尔+中国(耶,中国被表扬了。),但是这些进口的纪念品的价格也被过于抬高了。。。。
        Do not go expecting to purchase any souvenirs as the quality is poor and items are overpriced to the point of insult. The best quality items are invariably those imported from India, Nepal or China- but there two are overpriced. Also be aware of always inquiring about prices before you make use if any service. We ended up paying over $40 for one load of laundry. When complaining about this cost the hotel staff wrote down how this cost was created by listing each item and its price individually. We had obviously thought it they would just charge a lump sum or one load of laundry and not over a dollar for each pair of underwear. This was in Bumthang and it is not reasonable that this cost twice what this service would have cost in New York, obviously the overheads are not comparable and there is plenty of labour available as there is no other industry.
      • 很难说到底不丹有没有自己的工业。你想享受地道的不丹产品的希望,基本会落空,因为确实没有多少是不丹产的。好歹有一种熊猫牌啤酒。但也不是纯不丹的,而是一个移民到不丹的瑞士同学出品的,结果是:这个熊猫牌儿啤酒其实也不是纯不丹的。
        We generally like to travel in a way that allows us to visit hospitals, schools and industry. The first two where readily accessible to us which is quite a positive, however, there is no real industry to speak of in Bhutan. We also always make a conscious effort to consume local produce (obviously our attempt of consuming local meat was a shot into the wind), one such product was Panda Beer however, this unfortunately was actually run by a Swiss man who immigrated to Bumthang, and therefore less Bhutanese that expected.
        • 这段最幽默,可爱。笑倒啦。LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL。不丹也有大熊猫? 居然用我们中国的大熊猫做品牌。
      • 总之,如果你铁了心要去不丹,我们哈利路亚,保重。不过,请坚决不要用名叫Bridge to Bhutan的旅行社,因为导游不行,专门选质量差的不好的餐馆与酒店给游客。千万不要用这家旅行社。
        All in all I recommend you reconsider spending your hard earned money on this trip, however if you do decide to travel there avoid using the Bridge to Bhutan travel agency. Our guide was not good and the atmosphere he created was very negative. He chose some pretty bad restaurants and hotels and did not react to our preferences. The two brothers running this company seemed more capable than our guide however, although this is a quite a new company, in a start-up economy they do not find it necessary to take out tours personally. Anywhere else in the world people trying to run a small company would probably be more involved. Would not recommend this agency.
    • 去南极或北非吧~~
      • 非洲以后会跟婆婆他们教堂的人去。他们有扶贫协助项目,每年都会派义工去。
        • 我是偷懒, 就FOLLOW 小丸子的路线~~:)
          • 你今夏就去?啊?
            • 还在安排中, 夏天家里要来人~~
              • 我得广播一下,等着。
                • 别! 等决定了再广播~~lol~
                  • 很神秘,他们猜不到。:)笑倒啦。I LOVE YOU 。
                    • 被你吓倒了, 我得赶紧换地方~~LOL
                      • 淡定,淡定,没事儿、:)