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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Here you go


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 金秋年华 / 今早肉联电脑版的字体看着怎么这么模糊,我是不是快瞎了。 +2
    • 你心里看的比谁都清楚。 +2
    • 哪里!别胡说!出门左拐买个 READING GLASSES 就好了!
    • 你想摆摊儿算命就明说。
      • 他每次坐火车就骗对面女孩看手相,坐过站了都不放手。 +4
      • 盲人按摩,摸骨算命,我都会
        • 摸奶更会。
          • Old schhol 也学坏了
      • 大哥,赞助几个 ACRE 捧捧场好伐。
        • 赞助个板凳就够
    • 还好啊,回帖的字体,很大,很舒服。。。
    • 你都发到金色年华了,眼花是在所难免
    • 多揉揉眼睛有帮助,顺便做一套眼保健操
      • 我还真揉了揉,,不行,这字体看久了,眼不舒服。。。 +1
        • Is it possible to post a screenshot? I tested in quite many different environments, but seems people are still having problems. Need to know what exactly you guys see on your own screen...
          • Here you go
            • 哎我去,你的比我的还模糊
              • 图片被 resize 了,弄个小点儿图,看看是否更准确些
                • Some changes were made. Does it look better now?
                  • Better to me. Thanks.
                • 哇,我可比这个好多了。。
          • 贴上来的被放大了,和看到的不同。。

    • 系!
    • 花了
    • 用firefox清楚一些
    • Could all of you let me know your device information to help the improvement? Device: laptop, desktop, ipad, or iphone? OS: Windows, or Apple? Browser: Firefox, Chrome, Safari, or IE? Language: English, or Chinese? Thanks!
      • and also your glasses brand, ophthalmologists and optometrists name. -system
    • 墨镜摘了就好了。
      • 赶紧贴一幅好字给我养养眼。
        • 最近眼花,先养养再说。