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[那啥前:)] 秋不待我,我得那什么秋了。看枫叶去了。这是我们多伦多Earl Bales Park的枫叶。那一年的。


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 梦想天空 / [那啥前:)] 秋不待我,我得那什么秋了。看枫叶去了。这是我们多伦多Earl Bales Park的枫叶。那一年的。

    • [最爱的美国桂冠诗人Robert Frost先生之] October (十月)。( in contrast to 我们的红枫。)
      [ October]
      By Robert Frost

      O hushed October morning mild,
      Thy leaves have ripened to the fall;
      Tomorrow’s wind, if it be wild,
      Should waste them all.
      The crows above the forest call;
      Tomorrow they may form and go.
      O hushed October morning mild,
      Begin the hours of this day slow.
      Make the day seem to us less brief.
      Hearts not averse to being beguiled,
      Beguile us in the way you know.
      Release one leaf at break of day;
      At noon release another leaf;
      One from our trees, one far away.
      Retard the sun with gentle mist;
      Enchant the land with amethyst.
      Slow, slow!
      For the grapes’ sake, if they were all,
      Whose leaves already are burnt with frost,
      Whose clustered fruit must else be lost—
      For the grapes’ sake along the wall.
    • 加国枫叶情~~~ 秋天是一首诗, 一幅画, 一首歌~~~
      • 今早起来,一片狼藉,绝对是Tomorrow’s wind (在我们多伦多那就是Tonight's wind), if it be wild, Should waste them all.”的意境,可见 Robert Frost先生的远见卓识。
    • 浓浓的秋意~~~ 秋意浓浓~~~
      • 麦子同学早:)。爱在深秋。
        • 太同意了~ 你这几张秋天的相片(还有另一张中间是小路的,太好看了)把爱和秋的元素与意境浓浓的浓缩在了画面中。。。早上好, 啦啦:)
          • 麦子好, 昨天的提议通过了没?~~:)
              • 就是这个:"来对地方了, ROLIA 是所好学校"~~~lol -littlebird09(小小鸟), 感觉小小鸟的这句话,不论正着反着,横着竖着,360度的转。。。都好有道理:)推荐作Rolia的广告语:) -rejade(麦子
            • 小小鸟好:)在这儿学到真东西的同学会同意的,我是一个:)你也是吧?需要时间的:)
              • 举个例子: “谈天说地” 是锤炼 “荒野求生”的 好地方~~~
              • 我上次就说过, 在这里我学会更客观的看问题, 不再只有黑白俩色~~更多包容性~~:)~~看似很多口水贴, 其实内涵不少呢~~~
                • Totally agree:)
          • 加拿大的秋天总是温馨,温暖与宁静的。彻底没有祖国的那种萧瑟与萧条的感觉。所以,一看到枫叶,就知道:亲密爱人在林中等候,我们女生不得不缓缓走过去,吻一下,然后:牵手,慢慢走向落叶深处。:)
            • 啦啦你是作家:)把内心的感想与外在环境表达的淋漓尽致:)