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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

It is Coffee & Tea Maker, here is instruction from package:

Make yourself perfect coffee or tea with your coffee press, simply and quickly. By infusion, just follow these straight forward instructions:
1. Remove lid with attached plunger unit, use hot or boiling water to warm the glass beaker and then pour away. Add the tea leaves or medium-ground coffee according to individual taste approx. 1 tablespoon per cup.
2. Pour in freshly boiled water to within an inch of the spout and stir. Replace the lid and plunger and allow the tea or coffee to infuse for about 3 minutes.
3. Once the tea or coffee grounds have setted, slowly push the plunger down to the bottom of the glass beaker.
4. Wash in warm soapy water, rinse and dry thoroughly.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 美食天地 / 到了加拿大,爱上了这里的咖啡,现特请教几个咖啡问题,请大家多给OPINIONS!
    1. 哪家咖啡最好喝
    2. 有什么品种,怎么点?免得每次对WAITOR的提问不知如何作答。

    SOS, 求教,求教!!!
    • tim hoston: black coffee- 什么都不加;with milk and no sugar - 加奶不 加糖,double double - 双倍奶和scream. small, medium,large - 小 中,大杯。
      • 双倍奶和scream? 奶不就是cream吗?
        • cream, milk 是不同的,double double 到底是双倍的糖还是milk 我就 糊涂了,从来都是自己加糖,最少三包,最多5包,后来发现,在爱 喝的是他们的tea!
          • milk, cream到底是什么区别?
            • fat的含量不同。milk含量低,cream高。
        • regular=1suger +1cream, double double=2suger+2cream, triple triple=3suger+3cream. 若要改为sweetener或milk, 需特别申明。
    • 我的傻瓜方法:Tim Hortons,先说要多大的杯子,然后就“Double Double”就行了。
      • 我和老公都上瘾了,一天不喝都不行,正考虑引进咖啡机,不知买它的原料自己煮的味道如何?
        • 我以前极度抗拒咖啡和茶。我现在发现,只要不死人杯子还漂亮,我什么都能喝。
          • 今天有空了?刚吃完羊肉串,真香啊。
            • paper才完成一小半,幸好大架子已经好了也就是填充了:(( 苦不堪言。
              • 坚持就是胜利,你就是玻璃瓶里的mouse,前途是光明的,道路是曲折的。:))))
        • 我自己买了一个COFFEE-MAKER,但是效果不好。不知道什么样的机器能烧出象TIM-HORTARN 一样的COFFEE来?
          • 你一辈子也煮不出TIM-HORTARN那样的咖啡来,因为应该是Tim HORTONS。
        • 喜欢自己煮,煮得满屋子咖啡香,不过味道来讲还是买来的好喝,可能是还没掌握煮咖啡的技术。
          • 我觉得关键是机器,COFFEE-MAKER煮不出好COFFEE 来。今天还去WAL-MART看了一下,没有TIM-HORTAN 那样的机器。
            • 刚发了email给你, 请查阅. .... /一个爱喝咖啡的人
              • 你太专业了,谢谢。再问一下你用什么COOK咖啡?
              • 再问?
          • 咖啡机和咖啡豆决定咖啡的好坏。
            • Well, you can buy coffee bean and grind them fresh at home. Then use French Press to make the coffee. It can only taste better than the coffee store.
              However, no one can make cheese cake as good as some coffee shop.That is the reason I still go to the coffee shop.
          • 谁说自己做的咖啡不香
            我在DOLLAR店花10多刀买的手压咖啡罐再加上超市里买的生咖啡(5刀左右)制出的Espresso赛过TIM+STARBUCKS+SECOND CUP+COFFEE TIME, 缺点就是要赶紧趁热喝, 凉了味就不好了.
            • 手压咖啡罐是什么?怎么用?谢谢。
              • It is Coffee & Tea Maker, here is instruction from package:
                Make yourself perfect coffee or tea with your coffee press, simply and quickly. By infusion, just follow these straight forward instructions:
                1. Remove lid with attached plunger unit, use hot or boiling water to warm the glass beaker and then pour away. Add the tea leaves or medium-ground coffee according to individual taste approx. 1 tablespoon per cup.
                2. Pour in freshly boiled water to within an inch of the spout and stir. Replace the lid and plunger and allow the tea or coffee to infuse for about 3 minutes.
                3. Once the tea or coffee grounds have setted, slowly push the plunger down to the bottom of the glass beaker.
                4. Wash in warm soapy water, rinse and dry thoroughly.
              • 关键是第3步, 要如同活塞一样不断挤压, COFFEE靠挤压和热蒸汽行成抹状后, 你就得到正宗的ESPRESSO了.
            • 是磨咖啡的玩意吗?
        • 我给你推荐一款咖啡机, 上网就可以买还送货上门,
          其实是买一年咖啡(纯正的Arabic咖啡豆),送价值400元咖啡机,每月59元,按月付钱,第一个月就送咖啡机给你, 商用的咖啡机,网址www.quixtar.com, 产品号60-1642-A2,登录名tonyzeng 密码221221.可以去看看,关键是用了三个月内都可以退货.
          • sorry, 修改前项,登陆名是00100630576
          • Commercial coffee maker needs special water pipes and pump to connect the water supply to the back.
    • here.如果要regular coffee,一般会告诉waitor是black的,还是多少cream,sugar,比如有些人喜欢double double,就是2个cream2个sugar。
    • 喜欢Tim Hortons的,很香,不花俏。有的店选择多一点,可以根据你的口味(mild, medium, dark..)请店员推荐,下一次就知道了。至于flavor coffee 则看个人的喜好,试过才知道,我喜欢butter pecan, hazelnut。
      • butter pecan, hazelnut 是什么咖啡?听说SECOND CUP也很不错,有没有人试过?
        • Irish Coffee
          • IRISH COFFEE是什么样的COFFEE?跟普通COFFEE 有什么不同吗?
          • 我也喜欢Irish coffee的味道。
        • 这是加过flavor的咖啡中的两种,另外还有irish cream, french vanilla等等, Second Cup就有。
          • TIM-HORTANS 里有吗?是点的时候要WAITOR加呢,还是直接有现成的FLAVOR COFFEE?
            • I'm not sure about Tim Hortons。Second Cup直接有现成的 but the selections may vary each day.
    • Cappuccino听说有很多种,怎么去点它?
      • 俺不是都给了你一个链接吗?:P
        • 俺点了!!
      • 我知道的Cappuccino在Tim Gorton有3种
        English Taffy,French vanilla,和Mocaccino,
        English Taffy很甜,而且有很浓的奶香。
        French Vanillan 稍微淡一点,有一些香草的味道
        • And ice cappuccino, my favorite:-)
    • 1.Second Cup, Starbucks(I don't like), or some small coffee store 2.It depands. You have to try different kind. My personal favorite is Kenya and Venience(sp?). I like coffee mild rostated too.
      It does not mean you have to like it that way too. You have to try different kind before you know which flavor you like the most.
      • firstly, thanks. and secondly, where can I find Starbucks in Toronto?
        • You can find starbucks in Toronto in the URL. But don't just count on the chains. You can walk into any coffee shop and try the coffee there. After while , you will find your own favorite coffee store.
    • 咖啡对人体健康弊大于利,最好不喝。喝茶吧
      • 有说喝少量的咖啡可以防癌。:P
        • 有说抽少量的海洛因可以治病。:
          • 没错,大麻也入药。
            • 嗯, 还有, 海洛因是治疗心灵创伤的
    • 看你自己的口味了!多多尝试,才能知道你自己的口味。Popular 一些的 咖啡店有STARBUCKS, TIMHORTONS, Second Cup, Coffe Time, 都是连锁的。 还有很多非连锁的, 每家西餐厅都有自家的咖啡。 每家店又有很多品种.....自家做的也不错。
      • STARBUCKS那里有?
        • 到处都有。
    • $15, STARBUCKS 355 ml 原装咖啡豆, 自己打磨, 记住现喝现打, 余下封好放冰箱.
    • I always drink Tim Hortons medium triple triple. I do not like MacDonald, Second Cup, and Starbucks. They are the worst. Timothy is also a very good place. I do not know about Country Time.