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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛CRIMINAL CODE[18]
Arrest without warrant by any person
494. (1) Any one may arrest without warrant
(a) a person whom he finds committing an indictable offence; or
(b) a person who, on reasonable grounds, he believes
(i) has committed a criminal offence, and
(ii) is escaping from and freshly pursued by persons who have lawful authority to arrest that person.

Arrest by owner, etc., of property
(2) The owner or a person in lawful possession of property, or a person authorized by the owner or by a person in lawful possession of property, may arrest a person without a warrant if they find them committing a criminal offence on or in relation to that property and
(a) they make the arrest at that time; or
(b) they make the arrest within a reasonable time after the offence is committed and they believe on reasonable grounds that it is not feasible in the circumstances for a peace officer to make the arrest.

Delivery to peace officer
(3) Any one other than a peace officer who arrests a person without warrant shall forthwith deliver the person to a peace officer.

For greater certainty
(4) For greater certainty, a person who is authorized to make an arrest under this section is a person who is authorized by law to do so for the purposes of section 25.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 没事吐个槽:千万不要在 wart mart 沃马 order 东西 pick up. 等得真闹心😠 服务质量比 CT 差太远了 +3
    • 能Costco不去别家。
      • Costco 太挤太忙,停车永远是个事。采购量不大,根本不鸟它。 +1
        • You have to go there at a right time, when others don't go.
          • Ie when the store is closed?
            • A couple hours before it closes. 😂
      • 我觉得应该反过来,能去别家就别去Costco。 +2
    • 至少沃尔玛员工还没给顾客锁喉,看看CT员工堪比中国城管.... +1
      • WC,太吓人了。
      • 本地的Walmart员工要是也能对拒绝在店内戴口罩的给与必要的锁喉待遇,倒是可以考虑去Shopping。 +3
        • 这个是什么想法?现在CT正在应附官司,警察都不会这么执法的,店伙计以为自己是什么个东西??
          • 参考一下多伦多好多年以前陈旺的案子,店员对这个人实施了公民逮捕,目的是制服而不是伤害,这个人也没有受伤,我不认为有任何问题
            • 这个人干了什么坏事?逃跑了么?都报警了,等警察来处理不行么??
              • 在人家CT的property里,如果店员要求你离开,你还硬往里面闯,那可以把你抓起来等待警察处理。
                • 你们不懂,加拿大不是厉害国,有法律程序和界限,违背法律程序,就会有问题。那个不戴口罩的顾客,可能是故意违反规定,但也有可能是因健康原因不能戴口罩,但是无论如何,该客人的举止平和,店员没有正当理由对其实施人身强制性的攻击性的行为,CT的店员已经越界。 +1
                  • 这是限制性行为,不是攻击性行为。如果是举止平和的人,让离开就离开了。CT是私人领域,有权让任何人离开的 +4
                    • 厉害国比较适合你,朝阳大妈就可以把你抓起来游街。。。都报警了,等警察来不行么??加拿大是法制社会,执法,也要有权力才可以 +1
                      • 你犯了几个逻辑谬误:报警了等警察来是一个更好的处理办法,但不等于是唯一合法的处理办法。我认为公民逮捕是合法的(参见陈旺的案子),并不等于我赞成非法的游街。可能只相信政府相信警察的你更适合厉害国一些
                        • 你这个糨糊脑子还是不要扯什么逻辑了吧,执法是警察的事,不是你想动手就能动手的,你没有那个权力。陈旺去抓捕也是违法了,所以有了麻烦,陈旺抓那个是一直去他店里偷东西的惯犯,你去查查什么情况下才称为公民逮捕。
                          • 呵呵哒
                            • 你们家也是你的私人领地,假如你家哪天来了个人赖着不走,你试试给人锁喉,看看会是个什么结果?在加拿大,连入室盗窃的贼如果在你家出了事,你作为屋主都要负责的,听人劝,好好普及一下加拿大的生活常识,没亏吃。
                              • 问题是,他出事了吗?他只是被实施了公民逮捕。如果他因此受伤了另当别论
                              • 来,给你看下公民逮捕的条文吧,别傻乎乎跑别人家去闹事以为别人不能把你怎么样 +3
                                本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛CRIMINAL CODE[18]
                                Arrest without warrant by any person
                                494. (1) Any one may arrest without warrant
                                (a) a person whom he finds committing an indictable offence; or
                                (b) a person who, on reasonable grounds, he believes
                                (i) has committed a criminal offence, and
                                (ii) is escaping from and freshly pursued by persons who have lawful authority to arrest that person.

                                Arrest by owner, etc., of property
                                (2) The owner or a person in lawful possession of property, or a person authorized by the owner or by a person in lawful possession of property, may arrest a person without a warrant if they find them committing a criminal offence on or in relation to that property and
                                (a) they make the arrest at that time; or
                                (b) they make the arrest within a reasonable time after the offence is committed and they believe on reasonable grounds that it is not feasible in the circumstances for a peace officer to make the arrest.

                                Delivery to peace officer
                                (3) Any one other than a peace officer who arrests a person without warrant shall forthwith deliver the person to a peace officer.

                                For greater certainty
                                (4) For greater certainty, a person who is authorized to make an arrest under this section is a person who is authorized by law to do so for the purposes of section 25.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                              • 加拿大是私有制,该普及加拿大生活常识的是你 +2
                              • 加拿大法律完全允许业主拒绝不受欢迎的人,以及采取合理措施赶走他们。口头警告不理,就可以把人推出去。要是连这点权利都没有,那算哪门子私有产权。 +2
              • 可以等警察来处理,也可以不等。他可以告CT但是我认为他告不赢
              • 在疫情中不戴口罩进入室内公共场所是违法而且危险的行为,可能置店员和其他顾客的健康甚至生命于危险之中。试想一下假如他是阳性,假如你同时在那家店里。CT有责任保护店员和你的健康
          • 不过我是不爱去CT买东西的,他们的退货policy太差了 +3
    • 俺这嘎达窝马很不错啊。 +3
    • 挺好的啊,我觉得 Walmart 的 pickup 比其他任何一家大超市都好啊。 +10
    • 从去年开始在walmart下单无数,总体来讲很不错。 +3
      • 我也觉得 Walmart online order pick up 不错,节省很多时间,还可以看看打折的商品。
    • 为什么要pickup?送到家不是更好?我都是要求deliver。
    • 近半年来基本每周去沃尔玛pick up一次。还好,就只有一次等了比较长时间,一般都打电话后五分钟到十分钟就出来了。
    • 我picked up 一次,挺好的,都不用下车几分钟完事儿了。 +2
    • 才去supercenter领了一个compose bin回来,轻松愉快啊。
    • 觉得grocery order还行
    • 是不是点击了绿色的grocery shopping,如果点击也要记住不要勾替代品。如果正常普通的蓝色网购一点问题也没有。绿色的其实也是好意,只是给你带来你不想要的有点气人,但很方便不会有任何手续出会收钱还是不错的。就是要习惯一下
      • grocery shopping没货也不告诉你,然后给你找个哭笑不得的替代品还真闹心,我要的康宁饭碗没有就给换了浅的碗,有朋友要牛肉没了给换另一种肉,有一次朋友说去抢牡丹米我说慎重啊,自己进去搬吧,你要是看到送来一车。。。。。