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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


1. 面粉 1 cup
2. 糖 2/3 - 1 cup (依口味决定多少)
3. 鸡蛋 8 - 10个 (依大小决定)
4. 盐 < 1/2 tea spoon
5. Baking soda : 1 tea spoon 或略少
6. 食油 1/4 cup
7. cream of tartar
8. flavour 柠檬一个或草莓,香草等香精(依个人嗜好而定)
注: 材料4,6,8可有可无,非必须
A: 1+4+5, 拌匀
B: 将蛋青和蛋黄分装于两个容器
C: 在装有蛋黄的容器内+2+6+8(数滴), 打蛋器beat 3-5 分钟
D: A+C 拌匀
E: 在装有蛋青的容器内+7,打蛋器beat 3-5 分钟,至泡沫可以立住
F: D+E 混匀(不要搅拌, 要folding)

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 美食天地 / 据说有只用忌惮做的蛋糕, 一点面粉都不放的,不知道有没有DX知道做法的? 吃过一次, 好吃的要命
    • ZENG JI DAN?
      • 不是, 那玩意我要是不会做还能混吗? 是蛋糕, 可好吃拉
    • 噢,鸡蛋糕嘛,,,咱打小就会,鸡蛋两支,叫调味料葱花少许,用力搅匀,入锅清蒸,滑嫩爽口。要洋味的?牛奶,黄油外加CHEESE,俺不少胶卷了,该当大厨吧。
      • 气倒了
        • 呵呵,看看这个,Chocolate Cake (no flour) (with 3 eggs, divorced )
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1 cup butter
          1/2 cup granulated sugar
          1/4 cup STRONG coffee
          8 ozs bittersweet chocolate chips
          3 eggs, divorced

          1 tbl GOOD chile powder, Calvin's or Jim's but not his smoked stuff,
          Preheat oven to 325F. Butter an 8 inch springform pan, and line it with parchment paper. Melt butter with sugar and coffee over low heat, unti sugar disolves. Add the chocolate chips and the chile powder, and stir until smooth. Remove from heat, and when a little cooler, whisk in egg yolks.(The whites will either cheer, or go boo hoo) Beat those bad egg whites until they cry and go a little frothy. Add 1 tbls of sugar, and beat until glossy. That should teach them to cheer. Stir one third of the egg whites into the chocolate mixture, then fold in the remaining egg whites, and spoon into the prepared springform pan. Place pan on a cookie sheet, and bake for about an hour, until edges pull away from the sides, the center will not be set, but it will set while it cools. Refrigerate over night, and serve with COOL whip, if for me, or Whipped Cream, for others! This is a much better one than yours, Tomas Doc, much better for the arterial driveways! Cheers, Doug in BC更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 忌惮还会离婚那
            • 头一次看到这样说,挺好玩
              • 估计这才是这词的原意
    • 小声问一下, 啥是忌惮?
      • 鸡蛋
        • 只用鸡蛋??那叫鸡蛋羹 :-)
        • 鉴于你的汉语退化的如此严重,建议好好补习一下汉语.
    • 我猜是忌廉吧? 英文是cheese cake, 好吃是好吃, 增肥良药啊 :-)
      • 不是啊, chess cake 味道好重, 这份蛋糕好象是台湾的饼店做的多
        • 八成不只鸡蛋, 一定还有别的原料, 可能是jello一类的东西.
          • 不知道呢
    • 我做蛋糕基本是1cup面粉,10个鸡蛋的比例。
      • 菜圃的贡献 :)
        • 现在不在家,凭记忆怕有错。晚上给你。
        • 雁JJ也太贪心了吧,不奏是一个忌惮糕吗?还得搭上人家一块地.:))
          • 哈哈, 能捞则捞呀 :)
        • 谱子
          1. 面粉 1 cup
          2. 糖 2/3 - 1 cup (依口味决定多少)
          3. 鸡蛋 8 - 10个 (依大小决定)
          4. 盐 < 1/2 tea spoon
          5. Baking soda : 1 tea spoon 或略少
          6. 食油 1/4 cup
          7. cream of tartar
          8. flavour 柠檬一个或草莓,香草等香精(依个人嗜好而定)
          注: 材料4,6,8可有可无,非必须
          A: 1+4+5, 拌匀
          B: 将蛋青和蛋黄分装于两个容器
          C: 在装有蛋黄的容器内+2+6+8(数滴), 打蛋器beat 3-5 分钟
          D: A+C 拌匀
          E: 在装有蛋青的容器内+7,打蛋器beat 3-5 分钟,至泡沫可以立住
          F: D+E 混匀(不要搅拌, 要folding)