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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Hot pot king is really cheated us today!

Today, my husband and I to celebrate our two year wedding anniversary.
I was introduced by a friend to go to Hot pot king. A waiter asks us whether it is our first time to visit here. We said yes. Then he asks us whether I speak Chinese or not? I said yes! Then this guy gave us some English menu. Then we started to make our own hot pot. Long time past, when I was walking around the restaurant, I found another Chinese menu which at least half of vegetable not listed on the English menu. So we questioned of this to the manager. He said I think your husband is a Caucasian that this Chinese menu's lots stuff he may not like it. I said it is not; at least I can have those. ...It is too late, we found this menu finally but we were full already. ...Later on when we paid the bill we got 10% off, but I put one cent tip on the tray. We were very angry and left

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  • 枫下家园 / 美食天地 / Hot pot king is really cheated us today!
    Today, my husband and I to celebrate our two year wedding anniversary.
    I was introduced by a friend to go to Hot pot king. A waiter asks us whether it is our first time to visit here. We said yes. Then he asks us whether I speak Chinese or not? I said yes! Then this guy gave us some English menu. Then we started to make our own hot pot. Long time past, when I was walking around the restaurant, I found another Chinese menu which at least half of vegetable not listed on the English menu. So we questioned of this to the manager. He said I think your husband is a Caucasian that this Chinese menu's lots stuff he may not like it. I said it is not; at least I can have those. ...It is too late, we found this menu finally but we were full already. ...Later on when we paid the bill we got 10% off, but I put one cent tip on the tray. We were very angry and left
    • 气量太小,整个事件充其量是店家自作聪明与客人交流有误而已,既然在华人店,肯定有中文的菜单,你也可以先问呀。在圣诞节假期里这样给小费太伤人心了。 另:嫁老外都两年了,英语还那么不溜,太可惜了。
      • 英文说不好怎么了?保不齐人家嫁的那个也不怎么说英文呢?
        • 老白不说英文说法文?那就用法文complain嘛,也是官方语言嘛。
          • Caucasian n. 高加索人, 白种人
            • 那就是顶楼的不是了,既然自己是华人,母语是中文,自己英文不溜,洋老公又不是说英语的,跑到华人论坛上,不说中文,却用非常不溜的英文,说某华人饭店看见华人和洋人第一次去吃饭只给英文菜单不给中文菜单的故事。
              • 谁说中文论坛发贴一定要用中文了?贴主没有任何问题,这个火锅店的做法确实不妥。可以分两种菜单,但要事先说明(并相应调整价格)。
            • 她估计是查字典得到的这个单词:-p 我想waiter不会这么说,很歧视的说法。这词重来没用过,俺们私底下都称white guy,公开场合绝对不会说的。
              • 这样的服务当然没小费咯~这和节不节日无关, 我一般在外用餐基本支付15%左右小费,但去了2次火锅店,都没付小费,一次是服务员上菜的时候整盘粉丝倒在我身上,
                后来说是小孩推他, 没有半句道歉和善后处理, 弄得我狼狈不堪, 另一次是从坐下到上锅到上菜足足等了1个小时, 然后续羊肉, 等了近半小时后上来一盘特小碟羊肉, 哎, 有时候中餐厅或火锅店确实需要反思一下, 小费少的问题到低出在哪里~
                • 说的对, 90%的华人饭店都服务极差,好像欠他钱似的, 拉着个脸。
                  • 得了,CN TOWER的那个也不匝样---那时就又上升到民族高度了:)总之,服务生是靠TIPS生活的,人家没见着钱--而且判断就是给也少得可怜凭什么对咱笑:(这种情形,计较了就不如在家吃吧。。。
                    • JJ此言差异‘人家没见着钱’--谁也不可能吃饭前给钱吧;‘而且判断就是给也少得可怜凭什么对咱笑’--他凭什么判断给也给得可怜呢?样子?衣服?还是肤色?如果真是这样的话,那就是服务的态度问题,就是不应该多给小费。
              • u r wrong. it's a neutral expression, widely used in formal documents and daily speaking.
          • So Chinese is lao yellow?
      • 同意你的看法,这样还不如不给小费,英文的确太差。。。
    • i don't see anyone cheat you but yourself, move a moutain out of a mole hole.
    • Who is Cheap? Who is mean?
    • 服务当然有问题,主要还是生意不好做,能省就省了(估计有些洋人点了很多但最后又吃不惯浪费了)。可以不给小费,下次不去就是了,也用不着这么生气。
    • 人家等着这顿50% off 呢。
      • 我觉得整件事和服务质量关系不大, 关键是菜单问题, 也就是他们老板心存侥幸,为什么E文菜单东西会少掉呢?
        • 这难道不是服务质量吗?
    • When I live in US, most of Chinese restaurant has two menus. The dishes to Americans are usually much bigger.
      There are not much difference here since the even Mac Burger is much smaller than the one in US. I do not think there is any wrong with it, you should have know it is impossible not to have a Chinese menu in a Chinese restaurant.
    • 人家做得挺好的呀.
      • Usually my husband gives a 20% tip if the service is good
        My husband generally gives a 20% tip at restaurant if the service is good.
        We felt the tip fit the service in this case.
        Caucasian is the word commonly used to describe white people. This is nothing related with discrimination.
        In another restaurant the manager addressed problems of this size by giving us the meal for free or 50% off the bill. This was our first time to the restaurant and the manager knew this. However, he still only discounted the bill by 10% for such a big mistake. Maybe we would come back again to this restaurant if he had given one of our meals for free.
        • 我还真没看出人家有什么特别不对的地方, 也就有点疏忽了吧. 中餐馆的人, 看到自己同胞带着外国人来吃饭, 给你上英文菜单, 两人都能看懂, 不是已经很有心了吗? 当然那天是你们结婚纪念日,
          事情要是完美就更好了, 可是为什么一定要那么坚持呢?
        • As I said, this is not the first time you made the same mistake. So you should learn from your mistakes and be careful next time.