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Value Village is a good place.

Only 6 bucks for this pair.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / Value Village is a good place. +1

    Only 6 bucks for this pair.

    • 老大你好节约啊 +1
      • Still lots of room to improve. :)
    • 循环利用,有利环保 +1
    • They have special offer for seniors on Tuesdays. 20% off
      • 你说老大是senior?
        • Senior Software Developer! +1
    • 老大NB!
      • 选这个牌子是有含义的
        • 是不是哭穷的含义?
          • 那个牌子就是NB
      • No Boss!
    • 去Value Village淘东西是打税的,但Salvation Army Thrift Store没有税,俺捐过东西给它们拿了几张哭胖还没用呢....
    • 不是那啥树立远大理想,宽松那啥嘛 +1
      • 师爷, That's a sportwear, not underwear. :D +2
        • 😄😄
    • 👍NB
    • 3元淘到3千元大牌包,老大还需努力 +1
      • A牌货吧。