

有人对这城堡豪宅感兴趣吗?Power of Sale

Neighbours describe the home as long-neglected: 'There’s no lights during the night.'

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 有人对这城堡豪宅感兴趣吗?Power of Sale +1
    Neighbours describe the home as long-neglected: 'There’s no lights during the night.'
    • 5英畝的土地 +1
    • 今后的维修,管理远远不止3百万,不会是个人买的。
      • 5英畝,適合蓋成16到24套semi.
        • 那就必须是开发商,还不知道政府批不批。
          • 那得竞选市议员,或者扶植一个上台,当选以后re-zoning
    • 貌似割了私贷的韭菜!
    • 2005年的买家3.16M买入,2007年打折1.6M甩卖,重新装修现在又卖3.3M
      Date Start Date End Price Event Listing ID2023-11-26 $3,288,000 For Sale N73237902007-08-22 2007-10-23 $1,600,000 Sold 2005-06-24 2005-07-22 $3,160,000 Sold
    • 不是某华人大老板的物业吗,想不到也会被银行拍卖,不可思议☹️ +1
      • 哪个华人大老板?
    • 太丑了。
    • 造型审美特别,古怪,其他挺好。
