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问了, openAI 尽量安抚人心了,但是仔细读一下,不妙

The integration of AI in software development is indeed a growing trend, but it's unlikely to completely replace developers in the near future. Instead, AI is more likely to augment and enhance their capabilities. Developers who adapt by specializing in areas where human creativity and problem-solving skills are still essential, such as architecture design, critical thinking, and complex problem-solving, are likely to remain in demand. Additionally, AI itself creates job opportunities in areas like AI engineering, data science, and machine learning. So, while AI will change the landscape, it's not necessarily a threat to all developer roles.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业工作 / 疫情数年,我的学生没有被 lay off 的 ~~~ 现在 2024 年过去两个月, 两个学生被 Bell Canada 辞退,在不同部门工作了一和两年, 都是 restructuring. 盼啊盼,疫情的尽头是经济危机,2024 是艰难的一年…. +3
    • 2025呢?
      • 还是问问 人工智能 吧~~~
        • 问了, openAI 尽量安抚人心了,但是仔细读一下,不妙
          The integration of AI in software development is indeed a growing trend, but it's unlikely to completely replace developers in the near future. Instead, AI is more likely to augment and enhance their capabilities. Developers who adapt by specializing in areas where human creativity and problem-solving skills are still essential, such as architecture design, critical thinking, and complex problem-solving, are likely to remain in demand. Additionally, AI itself creates job opportunities in areas like AI engineering, data science, and machine learning. So, while AI will change the landscape, it's not necessarily a threat to all developer roles.
    • 哥,你的学校是哪一个? +1


      • 驻马店职业技校 +1
        • 原来是板桥职业大学
    • 山贼陆军士官大学堂 +2
      • 就缺一个军师,对师爷虚席以待~~~ +3
        • 师爷军师大帐前高挂个狗头
        • 是个什么待遇啊?有警卫员,勤务兵,女保姆嚒?
    • 上周 是 Rogers 自愿离职的最后期限, 每年一个月的 severance package. 自愿离职后, 又砍了一批 具体数目不知~~~ 这主动与被动,有区别吗? 自愿离职的都是工龄长的老员工吧 +1
      • 娃公司年初裁员,无论工作年限多少一律都给一年工资。美国花街金融公司。
        • 真大方 赞!
        • 孩子们是该去美国发展 +1
      • 应该是。无所事事,接近退休,顺水推舟
    • 方便说说分别从事什么 +1
      • Data Science
        • 虚心请教

          date science and data engineering; data analysis and data analytics , 区别和联系是什么呢?

          • 区别很大。 +2
            data engineering 偏 IT, data collection, data massage , ETL , feature engineering, data management etc. data analytics 偏business 是数据的end users. Leverage and analyze data to deliver solutions and insights for enhancing and improving business
            • 专家娓娓道来,受教了,谢谢

              data science 呢?

              • Both data analysis and data science are data analytics, but data science uses more statistical or mathematical techniques such as machine learning, AI, predictive modeling, optimization etc, you can think it as advanced analytics
                • Amazing 👏 Thanks again.
        • 谢谢!
      • Data analytics, Finance and QA
        • 谢谢🙏,了解。 +1
    • 我们公司去年创收只有疫情前的50%,
      • 很难说啊 管理层的话 不可不信 不能全信 +1
      • 生個小龍駒,太好了!
      • 啥公司这么好
    • 有来有去回禀大王,在下不才,唯一的学生UBC 非CS专业去年毕业,前不久找到系统管理员职位,温哥华市教育系统政府部门,大好消息,振奋人心,巡山之余,特此禀告大王 +1
      • 长发哥威武! 人才 +2
        • 你这一夸,他自己都信了 😂 +4
          • 长发哥爱显摆 很多人不待见~~~ 不过平心而论, 他学习能力很强 经历丰富 情商又高 , 有过人之处 +8
            • 学习能力强的话,不需要经历丰富,所谓的经历都是“学习”来的。从那半瓶子醋的一知半解来看,除了修车,基本上都不是亲身经历。情商嘛,拉黑一大堆人,这样的高情商? +5
              • 见仁见智 你我都不是正主儿 不必多费口舌。 新年快乐 吉祥如意 +2
                • 话是对你说的,却是给他看的。对,那沙雕,就是说给你听的,嘿嘿,知道你看得见,别装怂 🤣 +2
        • 回禀大王,在下不懂技术,教不来,只传授些许面试技巧,谈话须知,等等旁门左道剑走偏锋,不料应付政府机构,效果奇佳 +1
        • 看到了吧,原来是贪天功。就这都不一定是真的 +2
      • 长发哥,啥是cs专业,游戏那个cs吗 +2
        • Computer Science 或称 Chinese Special +2
          • 哦哦,那我懂了。我是个厚脸皮,基本就是不懂就问。太简单的问题,你们多担待。 +2
            • 没事,互勉,共同学习,我不懂得很多,但我学习态度好,不懂我就学,一学就会 +1
    • 加拿大经济差,去美国试一下。
      • 孩子已经在那里了。 自己年纪大了 不愿意折腾
        • 孩子去美国是正解
          • 是,这二年美本持续火爆,就是很好的例证