

犹他州徒步旅行者因在Trail上倒下, 双腿不听使唤,专家说走路光喝水还不够,还需要补充盐分,蛋白质等。

A hiker is sharing a cautionary tale of how dehydration caused him to collapse, despite drinking enough water during his hike. He's now hoping other hikers won't make the same mistake he did.
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  • 枫下沙龙 / 户外活动 / 犹他州徒步旅行者因在Trail上倒下, 双腿不听使唤,专家说走路光喝水还不够,还需要补充盐分,蛋白质等。 +1
    A hiker is sharing a cautionary tale of how dehydration caused him to collapse, despite drinking enough water during his hike. He's now hoping other hikers won't make the same mistake he did.
    • 这是菜鸟错误了。现在资讯这么发达,如果在墙外生活,经常运动的,对自然科学有些好奇心的人都有这种常识啦,球场和gym贴满运动饮料广告,躲都躲不开。 +1
    • 估计平时也没有怎么吃盐, 体内盐储量不够?
      • 他走路时流汗太多,没有补充盐分,跟平时没有关系的吧?带盐的烤果仁,牛肉干等都是上选。
    • costco的kirkland 品牌的energy bar是我的最愛,一根有10g蛋白質, 比一個鷄蛋稍多,孩子球隊有比賽的時候我都帶著. 平時沒事也忍不住嚼一根,巧克力口味,乾果料是脆的,推薦。