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经验分享: 多伦多机场 TN VISA pre-screen 的经过

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛先是听律师讲,现在有个所谓的pilot program, 就是先去申请TN, 再买机票走人.
时间: 每周Tue. Wed. Sat. 10AM to 1PM only.
地点: Toronto Pearson Airport Terminal 3

今天正好是星期三, 就走了这么一遭.
首先, 最好是赶早. 俺是10整到了Terminal 3 departure 大厅, 和check-in 完的人一起向里走, 到门口有人问, 就告诉他你是来申请TN的, 一般就在旁边另有一队等着. 俺是第三个.

10:10 AM, 办公的来了, 让我们到里面的一间office 外等. 门上有张sign-in sheet, 把自己的名字和job title 写上. 不用俺说了, 做电脑的一定是写 "Computer System Analyst". office 外大概可以坐10 人的样子 (俺办完出来, 外面还是满满的人, 更外面排队的也有7,8个, 所以说要趁早.)

第一个人, 用了大概50分钟, 害得我们在外面七上八下. 她好象是什么生物专业的. 反正不是电脑. 出来时乌云满面.

第二个人, 用了大概10分钟, Computer System Analyst. 出来和我们笑笑说good luck.

俺是第三个, 大概15分钟. 进去前有另一officer 把所有的资料先拿去看, 连同护照. 所以最好把所有的文件整理到一个文件夹内, 备用的就自己拿着. (顺便说下, 加拿大的degree 不需看原件. 要是不放心, 可和俺一样带着, 没用上就是了. ;-)

先是照张快照. 5555. 奇丑无比, 因为根本没准备好.
然后问些简单问题. 比如你的degree 是什么专业的, 还问俺为什么成绩单那么短(本来好象可以不带成绩单的, 但昨天查hululu 的帖子说要带, 就姑且带了, 结果牵引出这个问题.) 另一个问题可能比较tricky, 问俺是不是programmer, 是不是 do a lot of coding, 还好, 本人绝对不是programmer, 就老老实实说不是. 还有, 就是问要去的公司让你去做什么, 做多久等等, 基本上就这几条. 本来还以为会和上次去美国面试过关时一样, 问些什么为什么不在加拿大找工作等等, 等说了找不到, 又来句"come on..." 什么的.

然后就是把填好的I-94 表给他, 他在上面涂涂抹抹, 告诉俺两个星期内要在这个机场出发, 换别的POE不成. 再给俺一张Pre-Qualification Notification 表, 连同照片, I-94 订在一起. 这就大功告成了.

-- 今天第一次签TN 成功, 特记之.
(准确地说, 今天并不是给了TN Visa, 所以也没收费. 说是走的那天才收.)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 经验分享: 多伦多机场 TN VISA pre-screen 的经过
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛先是听律师讲,现在有个所谓的pilot program, 就是先去申请TN, 再买机票走人.
    时间: 每周Tue. Wed. Sat. 10AM to 1PM only.
    地点: Toronto Pearson Airport Terminal 3

    今天正好是星期三, 就走了这么一遭.
    首先, 最好是赶早. 俺是10整到了Terminal 3 departure 大厅, 和check-in 完的人一起向里走, 到门口有人问, 就告诉他你是来申请TN的, 一般就在旁边另有一队等着. 俺是第三个.

    10:10 AM, 办公的来了, 让我们到里面的一间office 外等. 门上有张sign-in sheet, 把自己的名字和job title 写上. 不用俺说了, 做电脑的一定是写 "Computer System Analyst". office 外大概可以坐10 人的样子 (俺办完出来, 外面还是满满的人, 更外面排队的也有7,8个, 所以说要趁早.)

    第一个人, 用了大概50分钟, 害得我们在外面七上八下. 她好象是什么生物专业的. 反正不是电脑. 出来时乌云满面.

    第二个人, 用了大概10分钟, Computer System Analyst. 出来和我们笑笑说good luck.

    俺是第三个, 大概15分钟. 进去前有另一officer 把所有的资料先拿去看, 连同护照. 所以最好把所有的文件整理到一个文件夹内, 备用的就自己拿着. (顺便说下, 加拿大的degree 不需看原件. 要是不放心, 可和俺一样带着, 没用上就是了. ;-)

    先是照张快照. 5555. 奇丑无比, 因为根本没准备好.
    然后问些简单问题. 比如你的degree 是什么专业的, 还问俺为什么成绩单那么短(本来好象可以不带成绩单的, 但昨天查hululu 的帖子说要带, 就姑且带了, 结果牵引出这个问题.) 另一个问题可能比较tricky, 问俺是不是programmer, 是不是 do a lot of coding, 还好, 本人绝对不是programmer, 就老老实实说不是. 还有, 就是问要去的公司让你去做什么, 做多久等等, 基本上就这几条. 本来还以为会和上次去美国面试过关时一样, 问些什么为什么不在加拿大找工作等等, 等说了找不到, 又来句"come on..." 什么的.

    然后就是把填好的I-94 表给他, 他在上面涂涂抹抹, 告诉俺两个星期内要在这个机场出发, 换别的POE不成. 再给俺一张Pre-Qualification Notification 表, 连同照片, I-94 订在一起. 这就大功告成了.

    -- 今天第一次签TN 成功, 特记之.
    (准确地说, 今天并不是给了TN Visa, 所以也没收费. 说是走的那天才收.)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 去挣美元,好哇!:)当年我干咨询去美出差,管TN签证的官员闹了个笑话:)
      • "搞得我几乎要哄堂大笑起来" ...
        • 呵呵,一个人在大堂里高声笑也算哄堂大笑嘛!;)
        • 看出来了,真的是美国博士,中国话说得不是很溜!有个问题,你说了这些到底是要讲让一个人哄堂大笑的笑话还是想告诉别人你是什么多么牛x的美国博士?另外,小年轻高中毕业?美国博士都这么看人?
          • 我提“美国”是说他自己国家的学制他自己搞不清,没别的意思。再者,这个“博士”正是此笑话的中心:PhD, or Doctor of Philosophy....哥们,你怎么想怎么说,请便!嘿嘿。
            • 这是比较搞笑,不过你上面好像没有说清楚。
              • 不好乙烯!我以为大伙都知道PhD stands for "Doctor of Philosophy"...hehe
    • Where you are going?
      • what is TN?
      • New Jersey. NYC 附近吧. 周末走. 有同行的么? ;-)
        • 敢问是permanent 还是 contract (W2)? 谢!
    • hi nix, i've got a couple of questions about TN1
      1. can i apply for it at the airport if i am not flying but driving.
      2. do you know the regular hours fot TN1 processing, i mean not just the pre-screening, are they open during the weekends?
      3. if you have a master's degree from a canadian university, do you also need to prepare your degree and transcript from china?
      4. is there any need to provide your previous working experience, like former employers?
      5. can i apply for the TN1 at any custom, not necessarily the one closest to the city you are going?

      Thank you so much for your help, and congrats you got your TN1!
      • 1. No. As far as I understand, it has to be approved at Port of Entry. If you drive, airport is not your POE.
        2. Not sure. Search 美国话题, I am sure you can find the answer.
        3. No. Just copy of your canadian degree (and maybe transcript )
        4. I did. but seems not necessary. The officer didn't bother to leave a copy.
        5. I guess so.

        Hope this helps. And good luck to you too!
    • 补充一下, officer 留下的文件有: copy of passport and degree, copy of offer letter, resume. 还交代说走的那天把他没拿走的材料通通带上, 包括律师信和公司的宣传材料什么的.
      • Thanks again, nix, for your answers. they are really helpful. but i got confused by the 律师信, what is that about?
        • 噢, 我想大一点的公司都会有律师帮准备材料的, 律师通常有封给POE officer 的信, 其实就是列出所有材料的清单. 自己准备的话有没有应该都可以吧. 有的话可能会显得比较正规有条理吧.
      • If you are driving, you don't need any of that (律师信和公司的宣传材料)
        • Yes. I was only asked for 公司给POE officer 的信 and the degree evaluation, no photo, no fingerprint, no questions, no resume, I didn't show him the offer letter.. I apllied at Niagara.
    • I applied at Lancing border. No photo needed. I also don't need to fill out I-94. They did everything for me. No line up. Everything is finished in 15min.
      • my husband just got an offer in states, but we still immigrants, not citizen. The company can not help us, is there any way we can go to states? thanks.
        • H1B?
          • I think this is the only legal option for landed immigrants.
    • hi nix, sorry i have to bug you again. it's about the $50 application fee, shall i pay by cash or money order or certified check? pls advise and thanks again!
      • cash.
        • hi smartiecat, i just called a POE, and i was told i have to enter the states right away after i get the TN1, is that true? did you come back to canada after you got your TN1 or you are in the states already. thanks.
          • It works like this. If you are driving, the place you are applying for TN1 is already in the US side of the border. After you do the paper work and get the TN visa, you can turn around and go to the Canadian border.
            If you are going from Canada to US, only pass US custom. Canada does not care about you.

            If you are going from US to Canada, only pass Canadian custom. US does not care about you.
            • Thanks a lot smartiecat, have a good night!