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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Whiskey被称为The Water of Life...

In the 6th Century AD, Irish monks journeyed to the Middle East and it is
thought that it was there they observed how the alembic was used to distill perfume. On returning to Ireland they invented their own version - the 'Pot Still'. This they used to create a new spirit known as 'UisceBeatha' - 'The Water of Life'.

Irish Whiskey is made either from malted barley or from a mixture of malted and unmalted barley and other cereals. In Ireland the malt is dried in closed Kilns unlike in Scotland, where malt is dried over open peat fires. This, the malting process used for Irish Whiskey, not only avoids a smokey taste but also ensures a smooth and natural flavour.

Precise amounts of barley and other cereals are ground and then mixed with pure water in a large vessel called a 'mash run'.

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  • 枫下家园 / 美食天地 / 花间一壶酒,独酌无相亲。举杯邀明月,对影成三人。这里有懂西洋酒的DX没?可否传授一些酒经。。
    • 你说吧,想知道点什么?
      • 比如这冰酒有何妙处, 比一般的酒要贵出许多?
        • 酿制icewine的葡萄生长周期长,一直到深秋被冰霜打过才采摘,因此含糖量高,清澈纯美。生长地要求湿度高光照好入秋冷,因此Niagara很适宜。适合餐后配甜点,餐中基本不喝。等多请看
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. What is Icewine?

          Icewine is an extremely rare wine in which naturally frozen grapes are harvested and then pressed to produce this exquisitely sweet dessert wine. Icewine is renowned for its extraordinary sweet taste and its rich deep golden colour.

          2. Why is it called icewine and how is it produced?

          It is called Icewine because a unique harvesting process that only takes place once a year. When the cold winter temperatures during the months of December and January drop below minus nine degrees Celsius, which is when the Vidal grapes are frozen solid, they are then harvested and pressed. Several weeks of fermentation are followed by several months of aging the icewine in large barrels. It is only then that the pressed grapes produce the captured essence of the sweet ice crystallized juices of the grape that create the world renowned icewine, with an alcohol content of approximately 10 per cent.

          3. Why is icewine more expensive than other wines?

          Icewine is considerably more expensive than other wines for a number of reasons. First, you must utilize every grape on the entire vine to make a single bottle of icewine. Second, icewine requires approximately ten times the amount of grapes to produce one bottle of icewine as opposed to the regular vineyard wines. Third, it is important to consider the great care that must be taken to ensure the crop's success considering the extraordinary length of time the Vidal grapes must remain on the vine until the mid winter freeze occurs. Finally, the grapes must be harvested at the precise time, in very harsh and cold conditions, to ensure the ultimate icewine essence is captured by nature.

          4. What does icewine look like?

          Icewine is a very rich wine and due to the sweetness pours much more thickly than other estate bottled wines. It is often referred to as "Liquid Gold" as is reveals its deep golden colour offering a delightful sensation to anyone's palate.

          5. What does icewine taste like?

          Icewine has an extremely unique and wonderfully sweet dessert wine. Icewine offers a taste of a mixture of tropical fruits and fragrances such as a blend of fresh apricots covered in honey which is followed by ripe peaches to fill your tastebuds with a final long lasting taste sensation of hand picked mangos with a touch of the delight of the honeydew melon.

          6. How should icewine be served?

          Icewine is a very sweet dessert wine and it is usually served at the end of a meal, not unlike an after dinner liqueur. It is recommended that the icewine be chilled for approximately one to two hours before serving. Surprisingly, for the size of the bottle, it can be enjoyed by amongst six to eight friends or family members. When serving it is suggested that you use your favorite liqueur glassware, which holds approximately a one to two ounce serving. Once poured into your glass it must be savoured upon tasting. Once sipped, one must swirl this delightfully sweet wine across the tastebuds to savour its tropical and exotic taste sensations.

          7. From what country did icewine originate?

          In 1794, in Franconia, Germany, icewine was originally created. Today, Canada is not only world renowned as the largest producers, but also as the best producers of icewine. Interestingly enough, the majority of these award winning vintage icewines are produced right here in the Niagara Peninsula.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • I like dry wine more. :)
          • 哦,原来是个搜索高手,还以为你是百事通呐,西西。
            • 不可能百事通,我记性不好,又不是调酒师,怎么能全记住?不过我喜欢喝酒,喜欢研究酒:-)
          • Thanks. It clarifies a lot. Who can buy me a drink then? It costs around $40. or more a bottle. Hesitated to open my pocket.
        • 据说是因为要先冰葡萄才能酿,估计加工步骤复杂吧。
      • 今天头一次尝MARTINI和WHISKY,以前只知道RED WINE,WHITE WINE。对各种西洋酒的分类,品种,历史,特点,及英文名称(呵呵惭愧)都不甚了了,望不吝赐教。
        • tend to prefer whiskie type, esp. Scotch, brands such as lagavulin, glen???, on the rock is the best way to enjoy, look the color, smell the flavor...
          • 通常我们提BRANDY时就想起法国,是不是MARTINI都是ITALIAN的好,WHISKY原产于SCOTLAND呢(我这瓶上就写着SCOTCH WHISKY)
            • both scotish and irish claim their whisky (whiskey, or the other way around) is
              the authentic, personally i like scoth, like i said, the ice drenched in its amber color and the a-bit-smoked smell is really an enjoyment of life.
              • 恩,有味道,不过没有冰块,就根雪糕来凑数吧,哈哈
        • I also tasted Martini today, but don't know the context of it. For Sherry, I only know that it is served with seafood.
          • 搞什么? 你和瓶子今天在一起? 怎么那么巧都是今日初试马爹尼?
          • SHERRY是什么酒?请介绍介绍
        • Martini有很多,Bianco, Rosso, Extra Dry or Rosé vermouth...一般做cocktail主体,如果按二锅头喝法,就可惜了。
          • 请继续,请继续,最好详尽点,再给点中文注释。恩,我这瓶是EXTRA DRY
            • 这样吧,你请我一起品尝如何?兴致高了我会仔细跟你讨论马蒂尼,雪梨,杜松子,龙舌兰等等各地各方美酒。不过我并不精通品酒,只是喜好:-P
              • how about I invite you when you come to waterloo? :-)
              • 好啊,你啥时有空好当面请教?(小声问一下,不是东北大哥吧? 有点心虚)
          • 我手边还就有一瓶ROSE, 喝的差不多了照阁下所言我是在牛饮了. 不过确实没感到有什么特别, 味儿淡些罢了, 似乎也不够厚重
            • 哈哈,你这真是按中国白酒品评呀
              • 要不怎么体现出是老中的酒文化? :-)
          • I saw a instruction of vermouth that should be mixed with ginger and orange juice. Could you tell us more about the difference among so many kinds of martini? Is there one kind named Stock?
            • ginger? or gin?
        • Whiskey被称为The Water of Life...
          In the 6th Century AD, Irish monks journeyed to the Middle East and it is
          thought that it was there they observed how the alembic was used to distill perfume. On returning to Ireland they invented their own version - the 'Pot Still'. This they used to create a new spirit known as 'UisceBeatha' - 'The Water of Life'.

          Irish Whiskey is made either from malted barley or from a mixture of malted and unmalted barley and other cereals. In Ireland the malt is dried in closed Kilns unlike in Scotland, where malt is dried over open peat fires. This, the malting process used for Irish Whiskey, not only avoids a smokey taste but also ensures a smooth and natural flavour.

          Precise amounts of barley and other cereals are ground and then mixed with pure water in a large vessel called a 'mash run'.
          • 我觉得Whiskey 后劲大, 容易上头, 不敢恭唯
            • 是挺冲,只尝了一点就有些头痛了
    • 实话实说: 我的一点点西洋酒经全是向LP讨教的, 据称这是彼等语言系学生必修课之一.