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十月三号安省人权委员会给 Toronto Star 的"读者来信"刊登与今天, 大概内容:

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛今天 Toronto Star 刊登了安省人权委员会十月三日作为读者身份给 Toronto Star 的读者来信.

就我本人理解的大概意思, 英文水平有限, 不对的请更正
The Ontario Human Rights Commission shares Toronto Star readers' concerns about recent reports of Asian Canadian anglers being attacked while fishing in Ontario waterways.
(是安省水域, 包括WESTPORT)

We thank the Star for raising the issue, and the Mayor of Georgina for speaking out and condemning these incidents.
(到底 TORONTO STAR 有没有说漏嘴什么?)

Some reports on angler attacks have raised the question of poaching.
We should not confuse the issue: these incidents are about racism, not about enforcing fishing regulations.
(别拿其他东西来打叉, 我们说的是种族注意问题, 不要用违章钓鱼来混淆视听)

If there are legitimate concerns, there are proper means to deal with them, like the Ministry of Natural Resources and the police.

Many Ontarians have been hurt.

There is no excuse for vigilantism against particular ethnic communities.

.....更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 枫下钓鱼 / 十月三号安省人权委员会给 Toronto Star 的"读者来信"刊登与今天, 大概内容:
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛今天 Toronto Star 刊登了安省人权委员会十月三日作为读者身份给 Toronto Star 的读者来信.

    就我本人理解的大概意思, 英文水平有限, 不对的请更正
    The Ontario Human Rights Commission shares Toronto Star readers' concerns about recent reports of Asian Canadian anglers being attacked while fishing in Ontario waterways.
    (是安省水域, 包括WESTPORT)

    We thank the Star for raising the issue, and the Mayor of Georgina for speaking out and condemning these incidents.
    (到底 TORONTO STAR 有没有说漏嘴什么?)

    Some reports on angler attacks have raised the question of poaching.
    We should not confuse the issue: these incidents are about racism, not about enforcing fishing regulations.
    (别拿其他东西来打叉, 我们说的是种族注意问题, 不要用违章钓鱼来混淆视听)

    If there are legitimate concerns, there are proper means to deal with them, like the Ministry of Natural Resources and the police.

    Many Ontarians have been hurt.

    There is no excuse for vigilantism against particular ethnic communities.

    .....更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 好! 事情到了这一步,作为普通的钓鱼者已经很难进一步作什么了. 现在是这些机构出面干预了. 平时中文报纸中哪些华人协会,侨社跑到哪里去了? 即便说不一定是种族歧视, 至少也应该参与舆论,现在的舆论给人感觉好象全体华人钓鱼者都是商业捕捞者,急需社团出面抗议
      • 你还该问那些平时来拉华人选票的政客,象什么NDP的JACK之类的,都到哪里去了。这时是需要政治层面上来解决问题的时候。很明显加拿大有这种思潮存在,对打算在这里安家的我们及子子孙孙都是很需要思考的问题,放任之,也许多年之后这又是第二个印尼。
        • 目前最关键的最恶心的是十月二日TORONTO SUN 的文章. 需要他们发表针对该文的言论.
        • ""对打算在这里安家的我们及子子孙孙都是很需要思考的问题,放任之,也许多年之后这又是第二个印尼"" --- 说的好!非常非常的好。的确如此。西方的观点就是你不说出来,那就是你的问题。
    • "Asian Canadians should be able to enjoy fishing like everyone else, without fear of discrimination, harassment or violence". I like these words. Let's prove it.
    • 其中这句话说得很好,和实际情况完全一致: 因为(钓鱼者)种族就被视为做非法的事情等同于种族歧视的定义,(英文原文为It amounts to racial profiling because it assumes people are doing something illegal based on who they are. )
    • It amounts to racial profiling because it assumes people are doing something illegal based on who they are.
      • 431的鱼警可厉害了,我朋友也刚吃了张罚单。好像是当地居民不喜欢他们附近的公园去太多人!
        • #3977376
        • 昨天也在那里吃了TICKET, 所以我觉得有可能就是针对有色人种或者外地人来的. 我们明显就不是去为钓鱼而去钓鱼的, 就是一家人去玩玩而已, 两岁的儿子, 国内来的父母怎么都不应该是重点对象啊. 我们都是有LICENSE的. 我们又没有钓到什么鱼.
    • 发此信者名叫Barbara Hall, Commissioner, Ontario Human Rights Commission, Toronto - 这人是不是toronto的前市长?
      Barbara Hall, Commissioner, Ontario Human Rights Commission, Toronto
      • the last mayor of old toronto