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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

老猫啊,GM总裁刚刚看过,真是不是一般的失望啊!。CWA CEO也看了,已决定不再和CRYSLER再去争什么了。

I bought my first car in 1996 when we both in a university in the US, Ford Taurus 1989. Original owner was an old, nice local lady, the 1st owner of the car, and her son was a mechanic.

The big, gray American car was like a close buddy of us, we drove it to New York, the first long trip ever in the US, picked up our first baby from hospital, .....never had any problem. I remember the biggest payment for it was $400 something for replacing brakes, a routine maintenance.

In the end, there was a little hole at the driver side door, and graduation was close, I at first negotiated with a dealer to a better deal to buy a new car, he asked for $200 to trade in, but I strongly believed it should be worth much more(!), so I refused the deal, give it free to a good friend who was still studying in the school.

So my suggestion: If you really like you current car, and at the same time, a new car is needed, send it as a gift to whoever needs a car as a start badly, but the pocket is still not that deep.
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  • 枫下家园 / 我爱我车 / My Corolla 2000 - is it time to say bye bye?
    • 猫哥啊,人到中年了。。。有点出息好不好?
      • 呵呵,这个车如老婆 - 还是旧的好。
        • 那为啥男人升官发财了,都爱娶小老婆?连红孩子里面的八路都跟地主小老婆睡觉?连科学家杨振宁都不找个老太太?
          • 兄弟,要专一。
    • 换啥?我的车比你的老多了.每天,在公司,都是众目光关注的.太难看了.
      • 兄弟啊,车如衣服,有条件的话也别太给我们国人丢脸了,好不好?
        • I will feel ashamed if I don't have good manner, not if I don't have a good car.
    • 我的也是2000 corolla, 你的车跑了多少公里了?
      • 160,000+ KM
        • 俺2000 CIVIC,跑了24万+了。
          • 与工资成正比 :)
        • 我的只跑了7万
    • 不怕磕,不怕撞,不怕别人眼红,保险还低,接着(上班)开。
    • 老猫啊,GM总裁刚刚看过,真是不是一般的失望啊!。CWA CEO也看了,已决定不再和CRYSLER再去争什么了。
      I bought my first car in 1996 when we both in a university in the US, Ford Taurus 1989. Original owner was an old, nice local lady, the 1st owner of the car, and her son was a mechanic.

      The big, gray American car was like a close buddy of us, we drove it to New York, the first long trip ever in the US, picked up our first baby from hospital, .....never had any problem. I remember the biggest payment for it was $400 something for replacing brakes, a routine maintenance.

      In the end, there was a little hole at the driver side door, and graduation was close, I at first negotiated with a dealer to a better deal to buy a new car, he asked for $200 to trade in, but I strongly believed it should be worth much more(!), so I refused the deal, give it free to a good friend who was still studying in the school.

      So my suggestion: If you really like you current car, and at the same time, a new car is needed, send it as a gift to whoever needs a car as a start badly, but the pocket is still not that deep.
      • 兄弟在美国的时候~~怎么听起来这么熟
      • 呵呵,有道理
    • Wat? You driver corolla? You disappointed me again......
      • mid-aged chinese man drive a corolla, shamed. don't make this kind of mistake again.
      • If someone judges me by the car I have, by the house I live, by the work I do, by all those externalized material appearance one can easily posesse or dispose of, hehe...I am cool.
        • 这个世界很多事是为别人做的,不是吗?衣服,房子,你做的任何事有一半是给别人看的。老兄,以你的智慧,有些东西就不要太固执了,能做到的事何必让人瞧不起呢?开烤肉怎么可能COOL呢?
          • Oeky mikesmith I am still your fans even you drive a 烤肉, but I agree with 烤饭 to drive a 烤肉 is not cool.
            • hehe... some time back, our Cisco SE took me out for a lunch. She was driving a 2008 Accord and said she regretted buying that car - a Lexus would be more appropriate.
              I told her - it depends. On the sales side, many of of the cisco reps drive lexuary sporty cars or convertibles. Our ex- cisco acct manager drove a porsche . She could still feel bad driving a Lexus. There is just no end to go after that. By the time we came back to my company parking lot - I showed her a red Caravan and a 20-year old MB. One car is a 2nd line manager's, the other is the ex- director's car in my group. So, never mind.. It could be a culture thing. Someone, especially in sales or consulting needs luxary car for the business requirement. For me, there is just no need.
    • 2000烤肉,不至于吧。我2000年买的1997烤肉(和你类似,当时移民1年,儿子6个月,搬进耗厮,考过G2, need a car no matter what,认识的人人建议2手铐肉是神选)上个星期路上冒烟了,休息半小时冷却,开到车铺,换个radiator,美好如初。。。接着买菜