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Some knuckle heads just don't understand

Some knuckle heads just don't understand: Cyclists have the same rights as a person driving a car on the road. A bike is supposed to occupy a full lane on the road just as a car do. The inherently safe nature of driving a car doesn't give the driver more rights to forbid a cyclist using his bike. Who has the right to forbid a cyclist using the road on rush hour? If I have ever been injured by any reckless driver due to his/her own fault on the road, I am gona let him regret forever, so long as I have breath.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 户外活动 / 请问这里有没有自行车组织?我老爸是个老年驴友。昨天,从密市骑车到多伦多lakeshore玩去了。人家去了一整天,就带了一瓶水,2个面包。不佩服不行啊。
    • 另外问下,车后面挂自行车的架子,在哪里买?自己可以安装吗?
      • CT
        • Yes, only if you buy your bike at CT/Wal-Mart/Costo ...
        • 如果你说的是自行车 书报架,我有。brand new, never used,26“。 免费赠送。如需要,PM me.
          • 故意装作不明白乘机打广告?
      • 车后面的车架子有两种:Trunk/ Hatch Mount Rack 和 Hitch Mount Rack。前者简易便宜,后者牢固但更贵(要有trailer hitch才行)。另外还有Roof Rack可以考虑。所有专业自行车行都有卖,两大牌子为Thule和Yakima。还有一个专卖racks的店叫Rack Attack。
        • 请问这个walmart 有卖的吗?商店管装吗?有点汗颜的说,自己不是handyman,不太会弄这个。
          • 前半节问题我不知道,不在walmart买自行车相关产品。但是买回来自己装肯定没问题。如果你买trailer hitch mount rack,那么得有trailler hitch。没有得话,自己也能先装trailler hitch,不过好像要handy点儿才行。
          • 你不会打算永久性地装那个架子吧?自己装没啥难度,会系裤带就会装那个。
            • What’s an inflation.
              What’s an inflation. 4,5 years ago I bought the same one or similar one at CT for less than 45 bucks. Now it’s more than 60 bucks.
              Don’t worry, to install it is as easy as wearing clothes. Takes me less than 5 minutes to hook to the back of car.
              You could also try Craiglist bike section, from time to time there are bike racks listed for a deal.
          • 我有一个这样的,想卖掉。不知道你是否感兴趣?谢谢!
    • 欢迎骑车的老年驴友,组织请找Worldy或tryitagain,都是骑行高手。
    • 自行车是老少通吃型运动,长距离骑主要是意志品资起作用,但这几天不推荐户外骑车,请养精蓄锐,天凉再战
    • 回帖有点跑题。楼主老爸厉害,不过一瓶水有些危险,这天容易中暑。我曾经骑车从多伦多去密市,但是中间主要路程是坐go train了,吼吼~
    • 我在游山玩水版也发了帖子,居然有人说骑车是 high risk behaviour. 真无语了~ 这两个版差距不是一般的大阿!
      • 哈哈哈哈!每天骑52公里的人笑了。 ;-)
      • 老年人还是自己多保重,一群老头在街上骑单车,有问题谁管谁啊,大热腾腾的天,心脏病,脑血栓,高血压等,老人反应慢,再加自行车,对于在路上驾车的人也增加了不便利
        • 纯属杞人忧天!
      • 上下班高峰在路上骑行,大家都有点危险。
        • 我不在路上骑,还在人行道上骑不成?要吃罚单的!
          • 不不不,我不反对骑自行车,不过是提醒要错开时间。本周一8:00am在yonge上就目睹了一次自行车车祸,高峰时堵得厉害。还好在3辆救护车,一辆救火车到来之前,离开现场。后面车里的上班肯定迟到。
            • 不能因为自行车发生车祸,就不让自行车上路呀!汽车还时时刻刻发生车祸阻碍交通呢,为什么不叫大家把车都锁车库里坐TTC/GO Train,周末开车出来兜兜风不就行了?这都什么逻辑?
              • 城市交通管理根本的一条是什么?就是不同速度的对象相互隔离。能理解吗?
                • 原来你是城管的呀?我闪。。。
                  • Some knuckle heads just don't understand
                    Some knuckle heads just don't understand: Cyclists have the same rights as a person driving a car on the road. A bike is supposed to occupy a full lane on the road just as a car do. The inherently safe nature of driving a car doesn't give the driver more rights to forbid a cyclist using his bike. Who has the right to forbid a cyclist using the road on rush hour? If I have ever been injured by any reckless driver due to his/her own fault on the road, I am gona let him regret forever, so long as I have breath.