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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!

Contribute my cents..

(1) Different people have different definitions for "SUCCESS". From my previours viewpoint in China, I hope that my husband would be a university professor, that's my definition for a successful man, so I focus on his education backgroud. Since we came here, everything is changing, so I don't know what is "SUCCESS".
(2) I do believe that most of men always put CAUSE in the first position in their mind, and then family... Although the successes they are pursuing are different, maybe Position, Money, Degree, Papers and something else, they are eager to be successful, and then they have good feelings to treat everthing well and we can keep our marriage longer. So I think my husband's cause is first important in our family. I don't like the kind of men who just focus on family stuff and live under wife's wings, no offense.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 啥叫"成功"? 对婚姻中的女人什么是最重要的, 老公的成功还是两人恩爱相守?
    • it depends...
      • on the target of your life
      • ...on who that guy would be...
      • what kind of gal u r and...
    • 两人相守. 管他恩爱不恩爱, 事业那东东一是为了相守的时候不至于饿死, 二是两人都找点事做, 不至于相看两相厌。另外一个副作用就是养养别人的眼。
      • 呵呵...还不知道成功还有这个副作用呢?
        • 现在知道拉 :) 关键是事业成功的定义太模糊了, 好多人就为了这两个字抛妻别子一辈子, 又有多少快乐可言。难说难说。
      • 两人不爱, 干吗要相守啊?在一起多难受啊.事业成功, 也不完全是养别人的眼, 最起码自己活得会比较有自信.
    • 我的感受: 最希望老公的关爱热度永远不退, 成功的事业在其次.
      • 男人没有事业的寄托, 是会颓废的. 你能指望一个颓废的男人爱你永远或者你会爱一个颓废的男人永远? 家庭固然很重要, 但一个成功的男人绝对是家庭的顶梁柱.
        • 那要看你对成功男人又是如果理解的了, 不可能每个男人都成名成家或者事业有成, 那是不是那样的家就拆伙了?
          • 每个人都成CEO是不可能的. 但是总要有自己热爱的事业. 无论做什么. 这也是一种寄托. 毕竟感情不是生活的全部.
    • 想起很久很久以前的一句话: 女人真是生活在梦里的耶!
    • 对东北的女人来说,饺子是最重要的!
      • 错, 我就不是最中意饺子. 酸菜算第一. :)
        • HOW ABOUT酸菜馅饺子?
          • 酸菜馅饺子, 这个爱吃, 不过还是不如酸菜粉条 :)
            • hand hand. 没吃过酸菜粉也是人生一大遗憾啊.HOHO
              • 俺们那块儿叫汲菜粉:)
                • hao chi
                  • sounds like hao(3) chi(3)! right?
                    • hao 3 chi 1
                      • :D
                        • 好吃 ;))
                • 渍菜粉吧?:P
                  • hao chi
                  • 没错,就是它 :)
              • 没吃过怎么会遗憾呢?:)
            • 我都爱吃!
        • 翠花???
    • 什么成功不成功,我就不许别人这样要求我.
      • 好, 铿锵有力. 活在自己的标准里, 而不是别人的标准...:)
    • 探索,创造,分享。
      • 没错,另外苦乐与共,觉得分享最重要,
        • 需要找到能分享的人...同享荣华富贵谁都做的到,同享贫穷艰难可不是像说起来这么容易....
          • 呵呵,贫穷可能让女人离开,富贵可能让男人离开。还是不穷不富的好。
            • "贫穷可能让女人离开"是你,女人说的,所以成立;"富贵可能让男人离开"是你猜测的,我不同意,所以不成立...
              • 错,前者是推测的,后者是看到的。
            • 应该为“某些女人”和“某些男人”, 呵呵。
              • 俺是说可能么。
            • 记得老婆跟着我的时候,是我最穷的时候,后来,我有钱了(有点小钱),我得意的跟她说‘我有钱了也没出去鬼混,你应该相信我了吧’ 她回答说‘那是你还没到那有钱的程度’ 所以男人啊,别让女人失望!哈哈~~~~~
        • //hand。苦乐与共,相爱相随,执子之手,与子偕老。:)
        • 他是我的眼睛(女人自私一点的爱情)
          1 女人总归是感性动物,在自己所从事的事业中,可能永远是个匠。男人视野开阔,总可以站得更高,看的更远。这也是我所谓的“探索”。
          2 其实对某些人而言,创造就是生命的意义。既然有些女人能够激发男人写出千古文章,那么反之亦成立。
          3 分享其实是一种结果,相比前两者,甚至可以说消极了些。不过对我们普通人,和爱人分享苦乐,我们的脆弱有所寄托,我自己的快乐和爱人分享让我自己更满足。
          • 反过来也成立。
    • ???
      There will be problem if your partner's unsuccessful on career "stops" your love.....
    • Contribute my cents..
      (1) Different people have different definitions for "SUCCESS". From my previours viewpoint in China, I hope that my husband would be a university professor, that's my definition for a successful man, so I focus on his education backgroud. Since we came here, everything is changing, so I don't know what is "SUCCESS".
      (2) I do believe that most of men always put CAUSE in the first position in their mind, and then family... Although the successes they are pursuing are different, maybe Position, Money, Degree, Papers and something else, they are eager to be successful, and then they have good feelings to treat everthing well and we can keep our marriage longer. So I think my husband's cause is first important in our family. I don't like the kind of men who just focus on family stuff and live under wife's wings, no offense.