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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Demand Payment Before You Sue
Settling your dispute may be easier than you think.

Before going to court it's wise to write the other party a clear, concise letter demanding payment. That a simple letter can result in the other side paying what you ask or agreeing to acceptable compromise may seem almost too good to be true, especially if you have unsuccessfully argued with your adversary in person or over the phone. But the good news is demand letters resolve as many as one third of all potential small claims disputes, probably because in the legal context the written word is far more powerful than speech.

To see why, think about the times you have found yourself embroiled in a heated consumer spat. After angry words were exchanged -- maybe even including your threat of a lawsuit -- what happened next? Often, nothing. For all sorts of reasons, from a death in the family to the chance to take a vacation, to simply not having enough time, you -- or the other party -- didn't pursue the claim.

Recognizing that it's human nature not to litigate every dispute, many people who know they owe you money expect -- or at least hope -- you won't pursue them. But things often change if you write a firm demand letter, laying out the reasons why the other party owes you money and stating that if you fail to get satisfaction, you plan to go to small claims court pronto. Now, instead of being just another cranky face on the other side of the counter or a voice on the phone, you and your dispute take on a sobering realness.

For the first time, the other party must confront the likelihood that you won't simply go away, but plan to have your day in court. And they must face the fact that they will have to expend time and energy to publicly defend their position. If your position has at least some merit, the chances that the other party will be willing to pay at least a portion of what you ask just went way up.

Here are some pointers to keep in mind when writing your letter.
1. Start by quickly reviewing the history of the dispute. At first this may seem a bit odd; after all, your opponent knows the story. But remember if you end up in court, the letter can usually be presented to the judge, who doesn't know the facts of your dispute.

2. Be polite. You catch more flies with honey than by hitting them over the head with a mallet. Absolutely avoid personally attacking your adversary (even one who deserves it). The more disparaging you are, the more you invite the other person to respond in a similarly angry vein. You want the other person to instead adopt a business-like analysis: what are my risks of losing, how much time will a defense take, do I want the dispute to be made public? Hopefully, the other party will decide it makes sense to compromise.

3. Use a computer or typewriter and keep a copy.

4. Make it clear exactly what resolution of the problem you want. For example, ask for a specific amount of money to be paid by a set date, or for the other person to do something, such as fix a botched home repair job.

5. Conclude by stating that you will file in small claims court if your demand is not met.


Sample Letter
Tucker's Fix-It-Quick Garage
9938 Main St.
Chicago, IL 61390

Dear Mr. Tucker,

On May 21, 20xx, I took my car to your garage for servicing. Shortly after picking it up the next day, the engine caught fire because of your failure to properly tighten the fuel line to the fuel injector. Fortunately, I was able to douse the fire without injury.

As a direct result of the fire, I paid the ABC garage $681 for necessary repair work. I enclose a copy of their invoice.

In addition, as a direct result of the fire, I was without the use of my car for three days and had to rent a car to get to work. I enclose an invoice for the rental cost of $145.

In a recent phone conversation you claimed that the fire wasn't the result of your negligence and would have happened anyway. And even if it was your fault, I should have brought my car back to your garage so you could have fixed it at a lower cost.

As to the first issue, Peter Klein of the ABC Garage is prepared to testify in court that the fire occurred because the fuel line was not properly connected to the fuel injector.

Second, I had no obligation to return the car to you for further repair. I had the damage you caused repaired at a commercially reasonable price and am prepared to prove this with several higher estimates by other garages.

Please send me a check or money order for $826 on or before July 15. If I don't receive payment by that date, I'll promptly file this case in small claims court.

You may reach me during the day at 555-2857 or in the evenings until 10 p.m. at 555-8967.


Marsha Rizzoli更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 和一个公司做contract两年多,但今年从2月到8月一直没付工资,终于不再忍耐不干了,走前还告诉新的程序员流程,写了介绍。结果我还发信要他们付我工资,他们反咬我一口说我没有交出全部程序,要我先交出全程序,其它免谈。


    我看了这里的朋友介绍的Employment Labour Relations Board, 打电话去,被推荐和一个律师谈,30分钟免费,要附6加币的电话费。我现在正在家里等着律师的回电。

    • you did the right thing. Good luck!
      • 谢谢你。我其实很不想走到打官司这一步,但是没想到人家会反咬一口,不仅不付钱,还说你拿了公司的程序(property),也不想想,所有的程序都是我写的,如果我真要这么干,何必要白干7个月再下手?

        • 一定要告!!!该属于你的,就要要回来。
        • 你做的对,就是当初太心软,应该一不给钱就立刻撤。当初碰到和你一样的问题,小公司的Contractor。做了3个月想把我变成Volunteer,我第二天就不做走人了。建议大家多多增加保护意识。
    • 什么公司,说出来爆一下光。hoho....
    • 把这家公司拿出来在太阳下晒晒。
    • 我现在也正碰到同样的事情。互相鼓励吧。
      • 好啊,咱们加强联系吧,你可以给我写邮件。我正等律师的电话,看把我的合同和来往的邮件给他分析分析。也希望能听到你的好消息。
        我的邮件是huilio@163.net, 我7个月的辛苦工作,其实也就是9000多加币,我只是想要回我的劳动所得。

        • 是啊,真是天下乌鸦一般黑。咱们互相通报进展吧。hjin69ca@yahoo.ca
    • 该sue他们, 他们咬你没有交出全部程序 得有提供证据。
      • 他们没有明确的证据,只是说公司有人证,忘了提一句,还有另一个中国的程序员去年起诉了公司,他是公司召的派到别的公司的contractor, 我没有见过,原因也是不付钱。
        全公司只有我一个程序员,现在接着干的都是公司两周前召的(免费的),他运行不出来,就说我程序不全。他们给我电子邮件中,居然说和我老板,还有同事两年的另一位印度同事(做graphic design的)可以证明,真是气死人。
        • 对付这种烂人就要全力控告.保留你所有的证据,来往信函EMAIL的副本,IT没有工会保护,不等于可以任由老板宰割.
    • Support you..........hope u good luck!
    • 结果怎么样了?
    • 不好意思,前天写了一遍很长的最新结果,可是不小心按了什么键,全没有了,今天再写一遍吧。去和律师谈了,又去了劳工部。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛找到了律师,他很NICE,告诉我这种情况可以去找Ministry of Labour, 有劳工部出面去和公司交涉,或是找律师告公司,他说他的律师费挺贵的,是$190/hour。他还建议去社区,或是中国人的community都可以找到免费的帮助。这个律师是从Employment Standard Act的电话转过去的,30分钟免费,6加币的电话费。

      我先是去了劳工部,投诉的人还不少。和一个胖胖的黑女士谈了,她说我的情况可以要求三项,一个是欠我的工资,第二是我工作两年没有修过假,可以要求vacation pay,是两年工资的4%,第三是 termination pay,我辞工是因为他们不付工资造成的,可以要求两周的工资。但是最多的限额是$10,000加币,也就是超过这个限额也是这么多,所以我的二三项等于没有。另外,特别要注意的是只从投诉之日起往前追溯六个月,比如我9月12日去交所有表格,那么我只能要从3月12日到9月12日的工资,这个大家要注意!

      黑女士给出我一个册子,是填一个表,把个人和公司情况都添上,还要提供尽可能多的证据,比如签的合同,cheque pay stub, invoice, T4, 越多越好。交以前,黑女士建议我和公司联系一次,看是否work out, 如果他们付钱,那么就不用交了。我想想就给公司打了电话,老板说他承认欠钱,但是他没钱,还要我继续在那儿工作,这样有了投资就可以还我钱了。纯粹是个无赖。他现在都不能写任何东西在纸上,只是口头说,就是以后有投资,谁知道会怎样。我不再相信他了。

      我决定签名,交了,黑女士把所有的东西都复印留一份,就算完了。她告诉我,两周或三周会收到一个确认的信,然后是一个仲裁的meeting, 总计耗时是三到六个月。

      和劳工部的同时我还去和另一位中国律师谈了,也许朋友们记得有另一位中国的程序员也在起诉公司,这位律师就是他的律师,这位律师告诉我公司没有钱,而且不止一个人在问公司讨债,他说我可以去small claim法庭,如果金额低于$10,000, 但他的律师费是2000加币,加上诉费150加币。胜诉的可能性很大,也是最多花时六个月。





      最后,祝愿大家都生活开开心心,快快乐乐!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Good Luck
      • Best for you.
      • 提醒一下: 我觉得劳工部介入作用不大, 因为周期长, 调节作用. 现在的关键是时间, 你不想赢了官司却拿不到钱. 我觉得SMALL CLAIM比较合适, 因为法庭可以SIEZE THEIR BANK ACCOUNT, 如果愿意, 自己做吧. 拿回钱的可能性更大
        • 如果是稳定的公司, 劳工部是个好办法.
        • small claim的话,是不是也要付律师费?就怕付了以后也拿不到钱。劳工部的作用不大吗?那可真的没有好办法了。能不能不请律师自己直接打官司呢?
          • 劳工部, 至少在BC, 时间很长, 最后通过仲裁, 即使有结果, 如果对方不付钱, 还得通过法庭. SMALL CLAIM COURT, 我前段时间看了下, 不是很复杂, 自己可以打官司(当然要费点神),
            中间过程法庭可以锁定对方帐号, 即使判决拖很长时间, 至少不用担心到时候拿不到钱. 仅供参考
            • 我公司那个程序员起诉到高等法庭,他在起诉公司的时候把老板等个人财产也牵进去,公司的账号的确是被锁定,但是根本没有钱,目前这个官司还没有完。
              • 看看这个, 应该不应该起诉
          • 看看这个
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Demand Payment Before You Sue
            Settling your dispute may be easier than you think.

            Before going to court it's wise to write the other party a clear, concise letter demanding payment. That a simple letter can result in the other side paying what you ask or agreeing to acceptable compromise may seem almost too good to be true, especially if you have unsuccessfully argued with your adversary in person or over the phone. But the good news is demand letters resolve as many as one third of all potential small claims disputes, probably because in the legal context the written word is far more powerful than speech.

            To see why, think about the times you have found yourself embroiled in a heated consumer spat. After angry words were exchanged -- maybe even including your threat of a lawsuit -- what happened next? Often, nothing. For all sorts of reasons, from a death in the family to the chance to take a vacation, to simply not having enough time, you -- or the other party -- didn't pursue the claim.

            Recognizing that it's human nature not to litigate every dispute, many people who know they owe you money expect -- or at least hope -- you won't pursue them. But things often change if you write a firm demand letter, laying out the reasons why the other party owes you money and stating that if you fail to get satisfaction, you plan to go to small claims court pronto. Now, instead of being just another cranky face on the other side of the counter or a voice on the phone, you and your dispute take on a sobering realness.

            For the first time, the other party must confront the likelihood that you won't simply go away, but plan to have your day in court. And they must face the fact that they will have to expend time and energy to publicly defend their position. If your position has at least some merit, the chances that the other party will be willing to pay at least a portion of what you ask just went way up.

            Here are some pointers to keep in mind when writing your letter.
            1. Start by quickly reviewing the history of the dispute. At first this may seem a bit odd; after all, your opponent knows the story. But remember if you end up in court, the letter can usually be presented to the judge, who doesn't know the facts of your dispute.

            2. Be polite. You catch more flies with honey than by hitting them over the head with a mallet. Absolutely avoid personally attacking your adversary (even one who deserves it). The more disparaging you are, the more you invite the other person to respond in a similarly angry vein. You want the other person to instead adopt a business-like analysis: what are my risks of losing, how much time will a defense take, do I want the dispute to be made public? Hopefully, the other party will decide it makes sense to compromise.

            3. Use a computer or typewriter and keep a copy.

            4. Make it clear exactly what resolution of the problem you want. For example, ask for a specific amount of money to be paid by a set date, or for the other person to do something, such as fix a botched home repair job.

            5. Conclude by stating that you will file in small claims court if your demand is not met.


            Sample Letter
            Tucker's Fix-It-Quick Garage
            9938 Main St.
            Chicago, IL 61390

            Dear Mr. Tucker,

            On May 21, 20xx, I took my car to your garage for servicing. Shortly after picking it up the next day, the engine caught fire because of your failure to properly tighten the fuel line to the fuel injector. Fortunately, I was able to douse the fire without injury.

            As a direct result of the fire, I paid the ABC garage $681 for necessary repair work. I enclose a copy of their invoice.

            In addition, as a direct result of the fire, I was without the use of my car for three days and had to rent a car to get to work. I enclose an invoice for the rental cost of $145.

            In a recent phone conversation you claimed that the fire wasn't the result of your negligence and would have happened anyway. And even if it was your fault, I should have brought my car back to your garage so you could have fixed it at a lower cost.

            As to the first issue, Peter Klein of the ABC Garage is prepared to testify in court that the fire occurred because the fuel line was not properly connected to the fuel injector.

            Second, I had no obligation to return the car to you for further repair. I had the damage you caused repaired at a commercially reasonable price and am prepared to prove this with several higher estimates by other garages.

            Please send me a check or money order for $826 on or before July 15. If I don't receive payment by that date, I'll promptly file this case in small claims court.

            You may reach me during the day at 555-2857 or in the evenings until 10 p.m. at 555-8967.


            Marsha Rizzoli更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • thanks a lot :)
          • 去small claim court的规定是小于一万加币,如果请律师且本人又是contractor的话,这笔律师费可以抵税。当然可以自己做,但是花费时间精力。
        • 谢谢你,饺子。我是想起诉到小法庭,可是我的家人和朋友都说不要,不想纠缠牵扯太久。连我在这边十几年的亲戚也如此说。
        • 请问饺子,small claim court 对以前\的欠款是否有时间的限制?我打算用这种方法告以前的公司。
          • 记忆中是有时间限制的, 不是半年就是两年, 你查一查
      • 另外没听说过"就是说如果找了劳工部,就不能上诉要钱。", 通常EMPLOYMENT CASE都是两个一起做, 前者提供了PAPER TRAIL
        • 我是在Ontario,估计规定不一样吧,我在黑女士那里,她强调了只能劳工部和上诉两者选一,里面是我的文件中的有关内容。
          In most circustance, the Employment Standard Act, 2000 dose not allow employees to pursure the same claim against theire employer throught both the ministry claim process and the courts. You must choose one or the other. if the employment standards claim is for termination or severance pay, you will not be able to sue the employer in court for wrongful dismissal for the same termination.
          • 以此为准吧. 关键你要花点精力看看别人的案例, 调查一下公司的财务情况, 如果对方没钱, 或者有迹象BANKRUPT, 就要考虑成本了. 我的提议只供参考,
            因为BC的情况是劳工部时间很长, 怕时间是个问题, 你多方权衡一下. 即使请律师做你也要牵扯很多时间和精力的.
    • 坚决拥护你。其实这种事情遍地都是,但绝大多数人不愿意浪费时间打官司。如果你打我们大家一定支持你。打赢了也能给类似遭遇的兄弟姐妹一个好的案例。
    • 下辈子作牛做马也不做IT,累死不说,还要不停的学,不要你就开踢。