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How would you react to a provocative question in a job interview?

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I went to a job interview with a company last week. Having had one of the worst encounters, I feel strongly that as Chinese, we shall never lose our dignity even if we may lose a job opportunity.

The interview was arranged by a recruiting firm. While didn’t get any good impressions on the employer at first glance (a shabby building, a low taste guest waiting room and a boardroom with no sense of professionalism, etc.), I decided to see what’s going to happen. The interviewer was VP of the company; he was 5 minutes late with no preparation apparently. I could see that he is Jew, with the typical arrogance often appears on Jews. A lot of picky questions didn’t really bother me, as I was overqualified for the position. One eventually enraged me. When he asked how I could offer to study my MBA in Europe, I erupted. I told him that this was very inappropriate; if you want to do reference check, that’s perfectly fine; if you want to see the paper, I would be more than willing to do present. Remember that China is not a very poor country anymore and wealth is not really a problem to some Chinese. With that I walked out.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

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  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / How would you react to a provocative question in a job interview?
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I went to a job interview with a company last week. Having had one of the worst encounters, I feel strongly that as Chinese, we shall never lose our dignity even if we may lose a job opportunity.

    The interview was arranged by a recruiting firm. While didn’t get any good impressions on the employer at first glance (a shabby building, a low taste guest waiting room and a boardroom with no sense of professionalism, etc.), I decided to see what’s going to happen. The interviewer was VP of the company; he was 5 minutes late with no preparation apparently. I could see that he is Jew, with the typical arrogance often appears on Jews. A lot of picky questions didn’t really bother me, as I was overqualified for the position. One eventually enraged me. When he asked how I could offer to study my MBA in Europe, I erupted. I told him that this was very inappropriate; if you want to do reference check, that’s perfectly fine; if you want to see the paper, I would be more than willing to do present. Remember that China is not a very poor country anymore and wealth is not really a problem to some Chinese. With that I walked out.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • afford to 吧 Anyway, NIU-X! 好 Knock 'em Dead!
      • Yap, no Yep! Thanks! He did pronounce Afford as Offer. Possibly he was born in Poland or some other country in East Europe.
    • Cool man!
    • 敬佩,如果你真是你所描写的,我对你真的很敬佩
      • Real story. My previous boss is Jew. I know Jews a lot and really dislike them at all!
    • 那些话你说得非常好,但你用不着walk out,用不着翻脸。我经常看到本地人在表达完强烈不同意后,又可以继续和对方把未完的话题讨论下去。
      • Thanks for the suggestion. I am just fed up working with Jews. They left me the impression of greedy, mean, selfish, narrow-minded and ignorance.
        • 以后说类似的话时要谨慎。犹太人和黑人都是很敏感的民族,仗着他们有过苦难的历史,动不动就举起种族歧视的大棒子。
          不象中国人,我们被歧视了只会在BBS上发发牢骚,他们会动真格把你告倒为止。你以上的言论足以get you in trouble。我留意到你的英文非常好,在与英语人交谈时更要小心。尽管心里同意你的人可能不少。
          • Take your word, Annie. To my best recollection, what had happened during World War II in Europe and what is happening now in the Middle-East is not only coincident. There must be a reason behind.
            • you are right, they deserve that maybe.
      • 我认识的一位印度飞机机械师, 有美国和英国的执照。那位航空公司的人面试时问他:那你有加拿大的执照吗?那位印度人一下激动起来:
        我认识的一位印度飞机机械师, 有美国和英国的执照。那位航空公司的人面试时问他:那你有加拿大的执照吗?那位印度人一下激动起来:你们加拿大又不生产飞机,飞的都是美国英国的飞机,你问我有没有加拿大的执照,I laught at you! 结果他体面地得到了工作
        • 他也太孤陋寡闻了, 连庞巴嗲都不知道还牛呢.
          • 看,瞎NB也有好处。
        • that's really cool
    • stereotype
      • 月亮才爬上山呢,看了没?
        • 戏码拉呀山 啊? 我这里都头顶了
          • 东西差三时辰呢~
            • 哦,又愚昧了一把
              • 不,不,您是近水楼台......
                • 俺都睡冰窖了,你睡不,我身上开始长毛,你长不。。。。。。
            • 三个时辰?老兄,三个时辰就是6小时。
              • 又被蒙了一把 :)
                • 俺也给被蒙了一把,同为受害者~
        • 看了, 从刚生起到高高挂起, 好大的月亮阿
          • 俺数码了几张,彻底绝望。不到流星雨那么牛也得powershot G2什么的才行、、、
          • 给没给你LG讲嫦娥的故事啊?:))
            • 老早以前讲过了, 今晚爸妈请朋友聚会, 没有俺的地方, 我们就去自己出去吃饭了.
              • :))看来以后得问你还有什么故事没讲过.:P
                • 甭问了,她和LG早相互把故事交换完完了
      • Kind of like your style-mannish thinking and acumen. Yet, Stereotype, or Sophisticated, has derogatory sense in most contexts. LG should have taught you. You either did it on purpose or you may need to polish your English.
        • 好家伙, 一个回贴让我查了三次字典, 还没把意思看明白. 英语是仍然在学习中. 其实在我看来很简单, 他认为中国人就没钱读欧洲的MBA, 是STEREOTYPE; 而你所遇到的犹太人都不怎么样, 而得出犹太人被纳粹屠杀似乎也隐含着此民族自身的原因
          在我看来也有点STEREOTYPE--oversimplified conception, opinion, or image. 因为你把个例推广到整个民族.

          如果你不喜欢异己的声音, 那很简单, 我就SHUT UP.

          • BTW, if I were in your situation, I would have done the same thing, though it has nothing to do with being Chinese.
          • Oldie其实就是气愤之余在贴子里又引申了一下,他只是对那个AGENT和以前的老板不满。不少人是上网找个渠道把情绪舒缓一下,有时也别太理性了,水至清无鱼:) 说到犹太人(宗教,民族),Oldie可能也不仅仅是根据这两个例子,
            • 恩, 你说的有道理. :)
          • I am afraid that I misunderstood you. Sharing different views is a good way to learn. To confess, I was a bit over emotional. From the postings revealed here, I have learnt a lot. Thanks to everybody!
            • hey, you are one of the people I respect and I am hoping to learn more from you. Sorry for your experience. Just forget it and move on...
              • Thanks for your understanding. As a frequent contributor, your dedication to Rolia is obvious and appreciated. It would be beneficial to learn more from each other. Hope we can find time soon.
    • I did not see anything offensive in that question. He might just be curious. If I were him, I may too. Are you going to be mad because the question is asked by a Chinese?
      • How and the way he asked in the context explained all. Trying to pick up a spelling mistake in my resume is fine (which he did first thing) but not rudeness. You can never manage to work well under such a superior.
    • 你做的好,我觉得无论何时,做人的尊严都是底线,否则别人也不会把你当人看。你知道为什么那家伙会有此一问呢?除了他自己本身素质极差,忘了中国人是犹太人的恩人外,
      • This is another proof that evolution can go in reverse.