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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!

thank you.

actually, you know, a contractor is not a good choice for me now. But I think I like to work for this company because people here are friendly, and i feel comfortable.
I might like to sign a one -year contract. My bf want to ....., my family are still in china, and the winter here is too long.
During last year, I improved my technical and english communication a lot. there is still a long way to go. just as what you said, communicating friendly in a coursty way is very important. I think i will try my best to improve my communication skills.

这样就行了?培训其实老板已经同意了。我在想我会把我个人的发展和公司的发展结合起来。比如说搞个证书,公司也用得上,我也用得上。不知道oracle dba是否是个好的选择。


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 老板打算给我一个1年或2年的contract,他更倾向于两年。我的工资现在不高了。我想问问,应该跟他要些什么。
    说当初雇我的时候,最看重的是我的personality,一个positive manner,一个hardwork。
    • 看得满头雾水. 不知道MM是什么意思. 你现在是PERMANENT吗?
      • 是啊。因为老板想保持稳定,所以想让我签合同。
    • 我也没搞懂
      • 老板说我英语不好,你们说我汉语不好。:(
    • 你不是employee吗?怎么还要签合同?
      • 我现在是permanent employee,他怕我走,想让我成为contract 的。
        • 成为contract的,区别可就大了。如果是employee+contract,虽然少见,但是说的通,看你自己了。愿意在天寒地冻得地方呆着?这里今天28度。:-))
          • "这里"是哪里?
            • Toronto.
              • 你还是秧?或者根本就是一人?
                • 不是一个人,可我们都住Toronto. 今天的天气真好!
                  • 今天真热!
          • 天冷点也无所谓。关键是以后不知道发生什么情况。
            • 哈哈....你也太可乐啦. :-) 还是规规矩矩地两年内先结婚再考虑做妈妈的事情吧... :-P
            • 能不能做妈妈是一个生理问题,工作是一个社会生活问题,你想要孩子谁拦的住?怕那些做甚
        • 你们的合同里有必须为这个公司工作多长时间的条款吗? Contract 并不能保证稳定吧....
          • 我猜测老板大概想加上必须为这个公司工作多长时间的条款吧。-------我不知道contract一般都有什么内容。
            • 最重要的一个问题是, 你和公司是什么关系. 如果你仍是公司的雇员, 年底公司给你T-4表, 你的好处就不多了. 在这种情况下, 如果又多了服务期限的条款, 你应该设法多争取加薪或培训什么的...
              • 哦,这点非常重要。那么我应该彻底解放成contract么(可以参考mssg的建议了)?如果老板想让我签contract - permanent,那又该怎么办?
                • 能做 contractor 当然不错, 是一个争取方向; 如果仍是 permanent employee, 设法争取更有利的条件吧... 我特别不会 negotiation, 真不知道该怎么和老板谈... :-(
        • 合同中附有满意的加薪幅度。
          • 那么多少钱,他也满意,我也更满意呢。
            • 这我不能瞎说,取决于你现在的薪水水平、老板想留住你的迫切程度、你是否想长期呆在公司里的决心等等。It's all up to you.
    • 要钱,加薪。
      • 我在这里已经工作近两年,要多少钱合适呢?老板一个劲强调能和客户打交道才能拿高薪。刚才说让我每天和我们的一个salesman聊天至少一次。
    • 两年的 contract 应该是件很不错的事呀....就是没看懂和Oracle 培训有什么关系. 也没明白你问什么问题呢. :-P
      • 她老板是不见兔子不撒鹰,怕培训完了就跑了。
      • oracle培训近5000块,14天。老板总是想投资要有收益吧。
        • 说实话, 14天的培训没什么意义, 建议你读一下mssg的贴子. 争取加薪幅度, 辞职, 解聘的条件 及你和公司的关系 (你到底是不是公司的雇员等)
    • 呵呵, 我看懂了你写的每一个字, 但是不懂他们连在一起的意思. 你能讲详细点吗?
      • #77640大概清楚一点。没事,又不明白的,问就行了。
    • Wild thoughts
      1. If your boss wants a contractor, not an employee any more, it'd better be you.

      2. Hourly rate double since you have to pay all the benefit from your own pocket. all = vacation, insurance, CPP, EI..

      3. Get the training, even certificate, negotiate with boss to pay it if more than 1 year contract.

      4. If getting a better paid permanant job, make sure you can quit contract when you want.

      5. What about after 2 years.
      • 谢谢。
        • Okay
          1. Cut the term to one year, the boss hints one year is acceptable, better two.

          2. Suggest you want to a nice pay increase wihtin 6 months. not later a year.

          3. Improve language, get certificate, prepare for baby.
          • She should prepare for a wedding first. :P
            • who cares? I don't
              • I believe most of Chinese girls care.
              • 我现在就想要涨工资,可行么,到底涨多少呢。//婚礼太贵了。
                • more
                  1. I suppose you would be better off to keep current employment, contractor is not good for you now.

                  2. Tell your boss "I like the idea of a one-year contract, will think about it if have to be two years" reason: like weather, husband's relocation etc whatever you want to say, everyone knows it's about money.

                  3. Bargain salary by improving communication, job skill. I take some words back, if I were you, I won't mention an increase now.

                  4. In the meantime, sign a one-year contract, get the training, improve communication, Nothing to lose now, in a year, you will see where you are more clearly.

                  6. If you don't mind, wedding is not necessary. maybe just marriage certificate. Save the money for coming baby.
                  • thank you.
                    actually, you know, a contractor is not a good choice for me now. But I think I like to work for this company because people here are friendly, and i feel comfortable.
                    I might like to sign a one -year contract. My bf want to ....., my family are still in china, and the winter here is too long.
                    During last year, I improved my technical and english communication a lot. there is still a long way to go. just as what you said, communicating friendly in a coursty way is very important. I think i will try my best to improve my communication skills.

                    这样就行了?培训其实老板已经同意了。我在想我会把我个人的发展和公司的发展结合起来。比如说搞个证书,公司也用得上,我也用得上。不知道oracle dba是否是个好的选择。

                    • "My bf want to ....., my family are still in china, and the winter here is too long. "--- don't say this!
                      • oh.
                    • Let's see
                      I'd like the idea of such one-year contract....I will keep improving .....more contribution to company...I will do my best...

                      If boss insist two years... "I don't know..I will think about it...but really not sure....I really like to work in such friendly environment...", I don't think your boss would insist any more.

                      Luoboyang is right, never suggst you might leave company in two years no matter what is your excuse.

                      After reviewing the contract, make sure you are still a permanant full-time with all the benefit as usual, I suppose so.

                      You can ask for increase after training, don't rush it now, as well as baby stuff.
                      • 开心死了。谢谢各位的建议。回家好好背背去。
      • 你的标题永远是 some thoughts, wild thoughts, whatever thoughts. COol!!
    • 你的中文让人看不懂,我与你的情况相似,但是作contrac是我自己提出来的。
      • 很有启发,谢谢。 我回头读了我的贴子,也读不懂了。
    • some questions:
      1. Does your boss want to have the contract with you only, or he wants everybody in the company to sign the contract?

      2. Does the contract mean you will be a contractor, not a permanent employee in the company?

      3. Is it just an agreement, not really a contract?

      4. Does your boss want you to sign it just because he agrees to allow you to attend the training course and pay for you? Remember he will pay $5000 for you, far away more than $1000 limit.

      5. What's is your value in the company? In other words, how much money can you make or save for the company per year?

      If you know these answers, you should know what to do next.